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Happy Black History Month

My parents didn’t have much. They were just teenagers when they had my sister and me.

Yet, they gave me something valuable. They taught me to love myself and reinforced my self-worth in a culture that insisted that I was nothing, dirty, and worthless.

They exposed me to the power, the brilliance, and the beauty of Black people. They made sure that I knew Black people were not just slaves. And most of all, my Dad made sure that I understood that history books strategically and willfully omitted the truth about Black contributions to perpetuate the myth of white supremacy and superiority.

I am so grateful to my parents. Because even when White teachers told me I was dumb and even when white kids bullied and degraded me, there was a sweet knowing in my soul that I was royalty.

My parents made sure that I knew I was powerful, valuable, and worthy of respect. They shared stories that challenged the many lies I learned in history books so that I would remember that I was the descendants of a royal people who were inventors, innovators, leaders, and wisdom-givers.

That sweet knowing gave me the power to endure adversity, violence, and abuse from teachers and students. From kindergarten through second grade, I was kicked in the back, spat on in the face, hit in the head with a chair by a teacher, pushed down steps, punched in the stomach, and consistently called nigger by my classmates…..all before I entered the 3rd grade.

I was humiliated daily, and at times, I found it difficult to learn. Even today, I still cry for the younger me who was forced to endure so much pain while adults – teachers, school nurses, and principals – looked the other way. To White adults, constant violence and abuse were warranted. Why? Because my parents enrolled me in “their” schools.

I was wounded, but praise God, my wounds didn’t win. Praise God that my parents gave me the ammunition to neutralize and challenge the lies that tried to confine me to a life of mediocrity, misery, and marginalization. Praise God for the Black Churches that taught scripture and Black History side by side so that Black children would know that we had a place in God’s Kindom ( not kingdom…patriarchy has no place in my life).

Happy Black History Month!

And during this precious but short month, I pray all people will take the time to learn, discover, and remember the truth about the wealth, brilliance, beauty, tenacity, diversity, and love found in the histories, experiences, and lives of Black people.


A Few HUGS Can Help You Win!

HUGS will help you win!

When you are trying something new, you need plenty of HUGS!

Even though there is great power and comfort in a warm embrace, I am talking about different types of HUGS.

What are HUGS?

HUGS are essential ingredients for your success.

H.U.G.S. stands for:

H = You must understand your history.
When pursuing a goal or dream, it’s important to review your history because your past always leaves clues about your future. For example, understanding your cultural and social histories provides valuable insight into what shaped your beliefs and behaviors. When you understand your history, you can challenge inherited assumptions, so you can choose between who society wants you to be and who you want to become.

U =  You need to be undergirded.

Undergirding is not a word you hear a lot, but it means “to bolster, brace, strengthen and sustain.” It means possessing and accessing the internal and external infrastructures YOU need to build what you desire in your life. I will share more about the importance of infrastructure on Saturday during Soar 2022. You can register here.

G =  You need to give yourself grace.

When starting something new, you must give yourself the grace to learn and experiment with new skills, abilities, and perspectives. You must allow space for learning, relearning, and unlearning without judging yourself. Remember, everything in life is a big experiment that gives you the outcomes you want OR the lesson you need. So, give yourself grace to experiment so you can gain the wisdom you need.

S = You need support.

Success is always a team sport. Sometimes you need advice, skills, and mentors to assist you. When you identify the types of support you need, you can enlist and invest in the training, people, and resources you need to SOAR.

So, as you are considering your 2022 goals, think about giving yourself lots of H.U.G.S. because hugs have a way of providing the unique leverage, energy, and perspectives you need to:

  1. Ask yourself life-enhancing questions
  2. Awaken your buried gifts
  3. Attuned to your inner knowing
  4. Accept the highs of success without arrogance and the lows of growth without shame
  5. Allow people to help you without judging yourself
  6. Accomplish goals that are meaningful to you

If you’re interested in learning more about the power of hugs, I invite you to join me this Saturday for SOAR 2022.  Click here.

In the comfort of your home, you can gather with other heart-centered, values-driven people to talk about how you can achieve meaningful goals with joy and ease.


The Marriage Didn’t Last But I Did!

Today is an interesting day.

It is the anniversary of my first marriage.

A wedding day, which for many people are happy days, was a challenging day for me because I didn’t have support.

You see, I was marrying a man of a different faith, and because of that, my family and most of my friends didn’t attend my wedding. Since I was not marrying a Christian, my marriage was “not of God,” and, as a result, not worthy of their presence.

So, as I prepared and primped, I cried. I mean, big crocodile tears filled with fear, doubt, indignation, abandonment, and disappointment. Big tears filled with salt, mascara, and eyeliner that almost soiled my pretty white dress. Big tears filled with turmoil, chaos, and inner conflict that almost made me leave my groom at the altar.

The day was emotionally excruciating, and as I stumbled down to the front of the wedding chapel, my heart crumbled into a million pieces. My parents’ absence, especially my father’s because I was a Daddy’s girl, felt like desertion. I also felt deeply demonized by the church, and I feared that God was going to “strike me down” at the altar. Even though I tried my best to ignore the fear tactics of the “saints,” their messages of doom unnerved me.

The blessing: Even though the love didn’t last, my liberation did.

It was on that day, December 23rd, that I learned that I had the power to make choices that were mine. I had the power to choose what made me happy, even if it made everybody else sad. I had the right to choose my truth over traditions. I had the power to follow my own conscience and resist the pressure of the crowd.

And now, every time I feel scared to do something that I feel called to do, I remind myself that I have the inner fortitude to stand up for my beliefs, stand firm in the face of oppression, and to speak my truth, even when the truth is inconvenient or controversial.

What I know from working with many destiny-seeking, big-hearted clients is that we all have pivotal moments in our lives that reveal our strength, show who we are, and announce who we are destined to be.

The problem is that many people don’t take inventory of those moments, or they overlook the significance of their moments. And as a result, they don’t recognize how many times they have ALREADY been heroes and sheroes in their own lives. They fail to acknowledge and celebrate the many battles that they have already won. They undervalue their own journey, and the insight they gained from following their own unique path.

Please take inventory of your life and notice the moments, milestones, and miracles that you have already experienced. That way, you can remember who you are!

You can remember and reclaim your sovereignty.

You can resurrect your buried dreams, goals, and wisdom.

You can revive the dead places in your life.

You can restore your hope.

You can release old identities, paradigms, and perspectives so you can RISE and SOAR!

Today is my liberation day and I pray I continue to liberate my mind so I can continue to DARE TO SOAR HIGHER!

And as I SOAR HIGHER, I look forward to helping others SOAR HIGHER too.

So, if you have some tough decisions to make in 2022 and you need help challenging the status quo, I would love to help.

I would love to share insight from the lessons that I have learned on my own personal path to self-liberation and self-trust because I know what I have learned can help you too.

Words to SOAR By: Remember to look critically at your life. Reflect on your experiences and acknowledge all the evidence that confirms that you ALREADY possess the courage, tenacity, giftedness, and inner wisdom to live an authentic life. Remind yourself that you already have the power you need to do what you have been divinely called to do.

All you need is somebody who believes in you to help you remember who you are!

I Dare To Be Me is starting soon, and giving yourself the gift of liberation is the gift that will continue to give back to you for a lifetime. Click here to learn more. 


Let’s Dare To Soar Higher!



Being Cute Is Not Enough!

Being pretty does not always mean that you are attractive. Attractive means that you are a magnet for change, growth and abundance.

Are you attractive?


I know you look good but are you a magnet for other leaders, trailblazers, and visionaries?


As a high-performer yourself, you need other people around you who are just as talented, skilled, and gifted as you are. You need people who are confident and are willing to share, support, and help you upgrade your skills.


And guess what?


They need you too! 


In other words, you need to be equally yoked!


Trust me, being equally yoked is not only for marriage and partnerships. Being equally yoked is essential if you want to grow, evolve, and SOAR to new levels in your life.


So how do you attract people who are just as driven, giving, and authentic as you are?


I share a few tips in the video below. But if you don’t have 6 minutes,

Here are a few tips:


  • List three adjectives that you feel describe you today
  • List 3 adjectives that you aspire to in the next five years
  • Ask three people to share 3 adjectives about you
  • Ask three people how they “experience” you so that you can identify your social blindspots and/or your social/relational strengths
  • Ask three people to identify the 3 top values that govern your life based on their interaction with you 


Now, be open to the feedback and ask for suggestions or explanations if you need clarity.


It might be a bit uncomfortable, but understanding how you are perceived is essential to attracting people who have the character and competence you need to SOAR Higher!


Bottom line: As 2019 comes to a close, it’s time to reflect and reexamine how you show up in the world.


Why? 2020 is the decade of destiny and you must attract the caliber of connections and resources that you need to excel at life and love.


I look forward to sharing more about the importance of connections and success in the next “Dare To Me” cohort. Click here for more information.


It starts in late February, so get on the waitlist today to receive exclusive bonuses and gifts.


Blessings and Happy New Year!


P.S. I would love to work with you. In the meantime,… here are a few ways I can help you transform your life from the inside out:


1. Subscribe to my Youtube channel and feed your mind and soul about relationships, success, and “doing” YOU!. Click here to start listening. I will follow you back.

2. FOLLOW me on Instagram to fill your IG feed with bit-sized motivation to help you through the day. Click here to follow me and I will follow you back.

3. Download my Free Audio Series on Friendship. 



From Bad Break-up to Good Wake-up

Bad Breakups…. Yuck!!

If you have ever experienced a bad personal, professional or a career break-up, you know that bad breakups are not easy. Feelings fly, accusations assault, lies label, connections collapse, and remarks ruin reputations. Severing relationships can be dicey, destructive and detrimental.

If the parties are not emotionally mature and spiritually-grounded, they expose themselves and others to undue scrutiny. They share intimate details of the break-up to make themselves right and to show the entire world that the other person is wrong. Trust is violated, secrets are disclosed, businesses are lost and what was shared in confidence gets plastered on social media. Making personal, business and intimate disclosures, of course, is not high-level emotional functioning, but we all have done it.

 Let’s face it…. when people are hurting, they lash out and some people play dirty. They tell half-truths, concoct outright lies, or share sensitive information that compromises not only their lives but also the lives of others. The full truth is rarely shared, and, when we are blinded by our pain, nobody really remembers the full truth anyway. After coaching people for over 20 years there are a few things I know for sure: pain has a way of making people pretty, pain causes amnesia and pain degrades others.

What I also know for sure is that pain or scandal is a magnet for messy people. Messy people run to scandal faster than pigs flock to slop. Messy people are like vultures who circle around wounded people waiting to stir the pot of pain so that they can to add their own special brand of venom to an already volatile situation. Of course, that makes the pain worse.

But breakups, though painful, are not the times to numb your feelings by finding another date or another bestie to fill the void. Yes, you need friends; we all need support. But we also need to feel our feelings too because breaks-up are the times for deep reflection and honest introspection.

What I know for sure is that breakups are great times for emotional check-ups and spiritual wake-ups. Post break-ups are times to get quiet and journal. It’s a great time to ask yourself some key questions to understand why the relationship started, why the relationship failed, what parts of you need healing or development and what you really desire in your “ships”.

The more you learn about you, the more information you have to support your new relationship with yourself AND to support a connection with a prospective partner.  Knowledge is power and self-awareness are key to growth, fulfillment, and satisfaction.

But above all, remember that any information you gained from relationships, should stay between the parties involved. The relationship was not a community event; it was once a special bond or agreement between the two of you.

If you are going through a break-up or if you want to learn more skills to prevent another break-up, register for the You Can Depend on You Coaching Program starting on September 21. This is the last time in 2017 that this program will be offered as a live on-line program.

If you have questions and if you are tired of choosing people who don’t align with your values, register today.

Let’s dare to soar higher as we honor the sanctity of connections even after the connection is over.

***If you need some communication advice to prevent future break-ups, be sure to get my free gift here.


SharRon, Your Life Strategist