Please forgive my delay. It took a moment to collect my thoughts.  I had to pray and reflect on what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it.

Honestly, I can NOT express everything that I am feeling in this one email. Like you, my heart is heavy.

 My heart is full of many emotions. I feel grief, anger, sadness, resentment, rage, disappointment, exhausted, and hopelessness. I feel passion, commitment, and energized. I feel many emotions, some even conflict with others. 

You may also have complex, contradictory emotions. Nobody has a script on how to manage and endure injustice. 

So what do you do?

Here is my prayer for you.  Do you! Do whatever you feel is right for YOU! You don’t need validation, authorization, or authentication to feel your feelings, or to do what you need to do FOR YOU!

 You can cry and cuss! You can vent and pray. You can protest or volunteer. You can donate money, time, or expertise. You can rest and re-set.  You can strategize and build. DO YOU!

 What we are facing is hard stuff. Not one of us will manage or experience this situation the same.

 For me, as an African American woman and as a mom, the fight is exhausting, gut-wrenching, and stress-inducing.  And I know that the fight will NOT end soon.


 Nobody gives up power, profits, and privilege easily.  Only consistent pressure and persistent pain–political and financial –will affect change. And trust me. The pressure to do what is right and fair will be met with all forms of resistance; history proves that so be prepared.

 So, during this lengthy battle against this systemic, sadistic, damnable disease called racism, you will need to rest and reengage many times. So, please take care of yourself.

 When you are ready and rested, take part in the revolution in a way that works for you — your skills, your abilities, and your sanity. Don’t guilt yourself or shame yourself. 

 Remember,  ONLY you KNOW what’s best for you!

 I made a brief video to support you. Click here. It’s less than 5 min. long.

 Please know that I am here for you and with you.

 I am fighting right by your side and with all of our allies–irrespective of their color, age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, faith traditions, or color.

 If people are committed to liberty and justice for ALL, I am on board. I am ready to sit and dine at the table of mutuality, respect, and honor.

 If people are unwilling to be fair, respectful, and equitable, I am ready to be on the battlefield for justice for as long as it takes. 

 Let’s be honest. This fight for equality and justice won’t be over soon, but it will be won.   It will be won through blood, tears, defiance, volunteerism, contributions, protests, honesty, policies, forgiveness, and more.

 Until then, fight, rest, and re-engage in your own way until freedom rings.  We got this!

 Let’s Dare To Soar Higher TOGETHER!

 Blessing to you,
