SharRon Jamison is a cultural visionary and leading voice on personal transformation, self-liberation, and interpersonal healing. She is a gifted orator who delivers passionate and inspiring speeches to audiences of all sizes.
Through her compassionate approach, she demonstrates how the soul has the enormous capacity to forgive, embrace change, and pursue purpose in a way that transforms the world.
SharRon’s unique delivery infuses justice, scripture, humor, and truth-telling to challenge minds and touch hearts. With the skill of a surgeon, she inspires people to make the necessary changes to radically transform their lives so they can SOAR Higher than any belief or system that gets in their way.
To book SharRon for your next event (virtual or live) please contact TR at SharRon@SharRonJamison.com. Please include your contact info, the name of the event, length of speaking, audience size, honorarium budget, and hopes for the event.
(Media and podcast requests can be made through the contact page.)
SharRon can lecture, keynote, lead a Q&A, give a reading, preach, or offer a combination of what’s helpful for your organization or event.
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You are my sister.
As a strong, high-performing woman, I always wanted a space where I could thrive without apology and without being “othered” – pushed to the margins because I didn’t believe, behave, and look like the dominant group. I wanted a community where seeing women winning and contributing to the world was the norm. I wanted to create a place where resilient women were celebrated even in their most vulnerable moments, without being criticized or called weak. That is why I became a catalyst, activator, minister, and founder of The Jamison Group.
My core values of liberation, integrity, justice, and empathy are my compass, and I let them guide me as I advocate for myself and others. And as I encourage and inspire women and femmes to trust themselves in more significant ways, they can take their rightful place in the world and create an equitable, loving home for all.
Choosing you is the most courageous gift you can give yourself.
Society has taught and sometimes demanded that women put their needs, dreams, and beliefs on the back burner. It was if as our desires were optional or secondary to the needs and goals of others. For some women, delaying their hearts’ desires resulted in decades of yearning, deferred dreams, and at times, resentment. But when women reject paradigms, vocalize their truth, and forge their own path guided by their deepest knowing, they transform their lives. They choose themselves and assert their rights to prioritize their goals, needs, and wishes. They activate their gifts and live in ways that elevate their lives and the lives of others.
You can bravely choose YOU and your happiness too. Because choosing YOU is one of the most courageous gifts you can give yourself and give to the world.
You are worthy of your next move.
One of the most empowering decisions I ever made was to follow my own conscience. For years, I tried to fit in with the crowd and abide by the status quo, but I soon realized that settling never brings satisfaction and significance. It only brings heartbreak, frustration, and regret.
On your journey of reinvention, you will reclaim your authentic identity. You will examine your beliefs and interrogate your cultural assumptions to determine what’s true for you. And with greater clarity and renewed courage, you will feel more equipped to pursue your heart’s desires. You will also discover that you always had the power inside of you to SOAR as the real you.
SharRon is your go-to keynote speaker for:

Women’s Conferences & Retreats


Corporate Conferences & Events

Volunteer Organizations

Professional Organizations