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Tag: growth

Rooted To Rise: A Journey Back To Yourself

Do you realize since birth, you have been gradually “un-rooted” from your true identity?

Instead of being supported into becoming your highest authentic Self, you have been shaped into what people felt you should be or could be. Little by little, you were molded to be more socially acceptable, predictable, and controllable, with little regard for how you were divinely wired to win or destined to live.

“Un-rooting” you wasn’t always malicious or intentional, but it was constant.

Education, religion, traditions, culture, gender norms, and social expectations…. all forced you into cultural boxes and disconnected you from your wisdom, gifts, and truth.

And now, even though you may be successful or accomplished, you still may not be YOU — your whole, undiluted you! You still might feel at odds with your true nature and out of alignment with your soul.

I know that being rooted and getting re-rooted can be difficult. Removing and identifying the habits, beliefs, and patterns blocking you from being “at home with yourself” is a process. But by reconnecting with your intuition, strength, and beauty and honoring your values, feelings, and dreams, you can live more honestly and freely. You can feel firmly anchored in your inner authority and truth, giving you the power to follow your conscience and your calling, not the crowd.

I realize I am NOT telling you something you don’t already know. Even when your mind doesn’t know you are out of sync, your body and soul know you are not aligned. Your inner champion knows when you need a change, a renewal, and a reclamation to root into your own innate wisdom and selfhood.

That’s why in Rooted To Rise: A Journey BackTo Yourself, we provide the safety and support you need to return home to your true Self – a self you left behind to fit into society’s boxes. We give you new tools and deeper insight on re-rooting yourself so you can return to the truth of who you are  AND make decisions that honor the real you, not the curated you.

For decades, I rejected the truth of who I knew I was. However, once I reclaimed and honored the parts of myself that society told me to throw away, I created a life of meaning, peace, and a sense of freedom.  Most importantly, my health improved, and I renewed my spiritual practices, which helped me experience inner peace.

The authentic YOU is waiting for you to RISE and SOAR in every dimension of your life. Are you ready?

We start on Feb. 24, and I hope to see you there!




What An Ex-Priest Taught Me About Being Honest & Free!

First, thank you so much for reading last week’s newsletter. I am so grateful that it resonated with so many of you. I received many comments acknowledging that what I shared spoke to your heart! I also received copies of journal entries, pictures of vision boards, and soul-enriching poems! Hearing from you made my heart sing and nourished my soul. Thank you!

Today, I want to share a story about one of my clients because he is a courageous cycle-breaker, self-advocate, and visionary like you.

I can’t share his name yet, but he’s an ex-priest. What’s interesting is that he never really wanted to be a priest. Never! As a child, he enjoyed the Catholic Church, the pageantry of rituals, and learning about God. He was also active in the community and the local diocese but never saw himself as part of the clergy.

However, since he was deeply involved in the church, his family thought he should become a priest. Even though he complied with their wishes, he instinctively knew that being a priest was the wrong career decision for him. But he didn’t know how to say no. Also, saying no was difficult because he was conflicted. On the one hand, he loved how the community affirmed and praised him for his decision. On the other hand, the validation and expectations made him feel like a prisoner trapped by the community’s needs.

So, for years, he dedicated his entire life to training for a profession he didn’t enjoy and felt ill-suited for. He went to the seminary, got mentored by older priests, and was ordained. But the closer he got to taking his final vows for the priesthood, the more dread and trapped he felt.

Eventually, his anxiety became too overwhelming, and he realized that going against his intuition was starting to negatively affect his spiritual and physical well-being. And with all the courage he could muster, he told his family he had changed his mind and was leaving the church. And boy, his family was furious about his decision. They questioned his faith, his mental soundness, and his commitment to God. My client’s family also told him that he was an embarrassment to the family and community and that leaving the priesthood was shameful.

Despite not being consistently active in the Catholic Church themselves, his family strongly criticized his decision to leave the priesthood. According to my client, how his family responded was cruel, judgmental, and hypocritical…his words, not mine.

Thankfully, my client left the priesthood and is now restructuring his life. His relationship with his family is still a bit strained, but he’s happy and relieved.  He’s dating, starting a business, and considering starting a support group for ex-clergy members.

I share this story to encourage you to look at your own life to see if you are living authentically and to ensure you are deeply rooted in your selfhood. Because when you are deeply rooted in who you are, you won’t erase parts of your identity or abandon your dreams to fit into roles that rob you of fulfillment. You won’t choose professions you are ill-equipped for, date people you are not compatible with, and allow others to dictate critical life choices. You will stay “near to yourself,” never neglecting or betraying your dreams, intuition, needs, and purpose.

Thankfully, my client was able to reclaim his life, and he continues to journey back home to himself. And if you need to return home to yourself or re-fortify yourself in your truth, please join me for Rooted To Rise: A Journey Back Home to Yourself.

Because when you are at home with your truth and when you reclaim all of who you are, you will live a happier, more honest life. You will have fewer regrets, enjoy more peace, and experience more fulfillment personally and professionally.

I share my client’s story and 4 key insights that may help you on your journey. Click here to listen to the community podcast or YouTube. After you listen, share your thoughts.

I hope to see you in Rooted To Rise: A Journey Back Home To Yourself.

But if you can’t attend, please stay close because I look forward to sharing more stories and tips to help you be who you were uniquely created to be so you can DARE TO SOAR HIGHER in every dimension of your life.

Please reply to this message and let me know your thoughts.

If you missed last week’s blog, please click here. 



You Are NOT Out Of Place, But In Position!

If you are reading this message, you are probably a cycle-breaker, leader, visionary, pioneer, or truth-teller.

You are most likely a brave person who intentionally resists the status quo, norms, and conformity.

You probably live life on your own terms, honor your boundaries, have courageous conversations, don’t invest time in shallow relationships, and believe in taking inspired action.

You are not a person who sits on the sidelines either, because you realize that feeling “safe” is something you create inside your heart; it’s an inner feeling.

Does this sound familiar?

I also know that people like you sometimes feel isolated because you don’t fit into conventional places or traditional groups. And that makes sense because you don’t automatically accept what society says or legitimizes. You realize that living an authentic, fulfilling life exists outside of what’s socially accepted and deemed appropriate.

And because you prefer purpose to popularity, people rarely appreciate you or understand how intentional you are about your life. They don’t appreciate that you are discerning, focused, and have a highly developed BS meter. In fact, you are often criticized for going against the grain and prioritizing your values, desires, and perspectives.

Because you don’t let gatekeepers, narratives, and social protocols confine you, you are admired and gossiped about at the same time. That’s right! People simultaneously like you and dislike you because you don’t follow social playbooks, adhere to cultural assumptions, or comply with outdated scripts. You refuse to succumb to delusions of domination or standards of selfhood that require you to cower and curtsy. You reject narratives that expect you to beg for scraps instead of wearing a God-given crown. You know your worth and your worthiness.

If I am describing you, email me and let me know I am speaking to you.


This year, I am committed to living MORE outside of societal and cultural boxes. And I want to provide the support, topics, and resources you need to live MORE outside of boxes, too.

I want to intentionally laser-focus on growth by helping you challenge old beliefs that keep you stuck in fear, doubt, and indecision.


Since the pandemic, people have realized that they are living unfulfilling lives, and they want to DARE TO SOAR HIGHER….they want something different, rejuvenating, and wholesome.

So many people want to experience personal and professional success in ways that heal, transform, and elevate their lives.  They don’t want to stay in relationships or organizations that drain their energy or undermine their wellness.

Most big-hearted people want to embrace abundance and expansiveness. They want to live a life of “why not” and “what if” and not “should not.” They want to use their imagination, take risks, and contribute to humanity.

I like to call this courageous mindset being “in position.”

TRUTH: Because you know who you are and what you believe, you are “in position” to create what you desire! YOU are “in position” to start a new career, build a lifestyle-friendly business, regain your health, create a non-profit, challenge injustice, protest for peace, and love again.

And the way to maximize where you are is to honor your unique path. To cherish, cultivate, and optimize what’s already inside you. To do what’s most true for you even if you are still figuring everything out.

For me, being “in position” in 2024 feels like loving myself and others differently. It means offering and lavishing myself and others with the empathy the world withholds and tries to weaponize to control and disrespect those deemed less valuable. It feels like creating safe spaces for self-discovery, connection, and transformation where people can experience miracles and acknowledge the “messy” without judgment or shame. It feels like creating a space where YOU can reclaim parts of yourself so you can see your own beauty, brilliance, and options. A place where you can celebrate your complexity, duality, and multi-dimensionality so you are never reduced to one part of your identity or history.

My definition of being “in position” feels different this year because I realize that people like you – visionaries, leaders, and truth-tellers – often feel out of place in society. But I believe we are in the RIGHT POSITION to be paradigm shifters, soul-connectors, heart-healers, dream-makers, business-builders, and freedom-fighters. We are “in position” to change the ethos of the world and the trajectory of our lives.

I am saying to you with all my heart: You are NOT out of place but IN Position!

To stay in position, here are some questions to consider:

  • What needs to be recentered or prioritized to help you stay in position for your dreams and destiny?
  • What do you hunger for that will feed your soul, so you can help feed the souls of others?
  • How can you give yourself more freedom to be many things and easily take many paths?
  • Where do you feel most at home with yourself, and how can you reside in that special place more consistently?
  • How can you celebrate being courageous without needing to judge others, delegitimize the realities of others, or denounce others?
  • What does being free feel like, and how can you experience more of it in new places?


You are in position, not out of place. And I am excited to see what the future holds for you in 2024.

I look forward to working and sharing with you in 2024.

If you are on social media, let’s connect.



P.S. Remember to download your 2023 Year-End Review Booklet. It will only be available for 2 more weeks.

Embracing MORE in 2024!

What a year!

2023 was a year of paradoxes.  Up and Downs! Contradictions and Consistencies! Set-backs and Set-ups!  Joy and Pain! Mountaintop Moments and Valley Lows! Inclusion and Exclusion! Happiness and Horror!

But despite the individual and collective polarities we have experienced and witnessed in 2023, I am still convinced that goodness will prevail. I believe we ALL still have the power to change the world for our common good. I still know that we ALL are bright lights, and we can illuminate the darkness that robs us of our shared humanity.  Even though I am shocked, angry, and grieved about some of the trauma happening in the world, I am also STILL resolved, empowered, and committed to work for change.


First, I am grateful for my life!

Also….I still believe in US – you and me!

So, as we embark on a new year, I hope and pray that:

You can keep making the right choices for yourself even when the choices feel risky.

You keep speaking up for yourself and others even when finding the right words is difficult.

You keep standing up for yourself and others even if you stand on shaky legs.

You keep seeing the best in yourself and others, even if you must strain to see beyond your biases, constant propaganda, and great complexities.

You keep raising your hand to advocate for yourself and others, even when others act like they don’t see you or hear you.

You keep walking your own path even if the path is unclear, uncharted, and unconventional.

You keep listening to your heart and the wisdom of your ancestors even if you must ignore the crowd and leave long-term relationships.

You keep holding onto your faith even if you must cling tighter than you’ve ever clung to an unwavering hope in a Higher Power.

You keep protecting your integrity even when you are tempted to compromise who you are and what you believe for perks, power, and privileges.

You keep saying “no” even when saying “yes” is more comfortable, convenient, and profitable.

You keep establishing boundaries to protect and promote your health, healing, and wholeness, even when others call you divisive, selfish, or standoffish.

You keep making rest and restoration priorities, even though society keeps telling you that rest is earned and reserved for others who don’t look like you.

You keep learning history so you can appreciate the lived experiences of others, courageously confront your assumptions, and value differences in ways that honor and restore the humanity and dignity of others.

You prioritize your total health so that your mind, body, spirit, and soul get the nourishment you need to be the happiest, healthiest, and highest version of yourself.

You stay rooted in your truth while remaining open to new ideas so that you can evolve and transform without guilt, pressure, or fear.

You keep loving yourself even when your mistakes and memories fill you with shame, feelings of inferiority, and crippling doubt.

You keep choosing and working for justice even when the world keeps misleading you to believe in the policies of “JUST-US.”

You keep creating ways to generate income and financial freedom for yourself and your family so you don’t have to subject yourself to the soul-draining effects of assimilation, code-switching, microaggressions, and other types of corporate trauma.

You keep dreaming even when your current reality convinces you that your dreams are pointless, too big, or beyond your ability.

You keep hearing, prioritizing, and honoring your intuition, insight, instincts, and inner voice so you know what to do and when to do it.

You keep taking value-inspired action, so you don’t have to live with the pain of regret.

You keep reclaiming, reconnecting, and remembering parts of yourself that you left behind to fit into unwelcoming and unsupported places.

I hope you can keep DOING YOU – courageously, unapologetically, and effortlessly because you believe in YOUR FREEDOM, identity, humanity, and joy.

I am praying….

I am praying, dreaming, and hoping for all of us. I am praying because we – YOU AND ME – are essential to the world. The world needs us, and we need the world. We need each other to be more human and humane.

What I know for sure is that there is so much more in store for you.

There is so much more in store for me.

There is so much more in store for the world.

And if we dare to soar higher than everything we have been taught, told, seen, or experienced, we can create a safer, saner, more equitable world. And when we do that, we can create spaces to thrive and experience a little heaven on Earth.

Blessings to you!

I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!


The Dare To Soar Mentor and Strategist

P.S. Remember to download your 2023 Year-End Review Booklet.


Rediscovering Dreams, Nurturing Growth, and Embracing Authenticity

Yesterday was the first time in 20 years that I spent Christmas with my parents. Celebrating and enjoying the holidays with them was such a blessing.
While there, I saw this wonderful picture of me when I was 7. It made me ask myself:
👉🏾 What did this little girl want?
👉🏾 What did this little girl believe about her potential and purpose?
👉🏾 What did this little girl hope for and believe about her life?
👉🏾 When did this little girl STOP dreaming big?
I don’t know the answers, but this morning I am asking myself those questions because the little girl in the picture has wisdom that the adult ME needs.
The little girl in the picture has divine insight… insight that God protected from the unconscious, ubiquitous effects of cultural and social indoctrination.
Wisdom that God protected to ensure she stayed equipped, enthusiastic, and empowered to fulfill her divine calling. To do something significant, transformative, and legacy-producing in the world.
So, the adult ME is staring at the photo, straining to see beyond the social brainwashing and conditioning to see what the little girl wanted and needed so that I CAN give it to her.
The adult ME is resurrecting and reclaiming those childhood buried dreams – the dreams that society tried to kill – so I can be the changemaker that God ordained me to be.
The adult ME is revising narratives, identifying lies, and debunking myths that tried to make me settle for the status quo and a “toxic” normal that is making the world a scarier, sicker, and sadder place to live.
  • What did your little person need?
  • What buried dreams do you need to resurrect?
  • What must you remember and reclaim to walk in your authentic authority?
Our childhoods hold clues about our greatness. And when we look under the pain, trauma, historical narratives, systematic oppression, cultural domination, and gender norms, we will uncover who we were divinely created to be!
As my elders used to say: You are higher than what you heard.
Let’s Dare To Soar Higher!


Don’t Let Your Village Cloud Your Vision

There will always be people in your life who will NOT and cannot SEE you!

Even if they work with you, live with you, worship with you, or train with you, they may overlook or minimize your brilliance because they are so tethered to stereotypes, labels, or their own understanding of who you are.

Do you know the type?

You tell them what you were called to do, and faster than a New York minute, they will attempt to discourage you.

They will provide reasons why your vision is too large, too unattainable, too risky, and too beyond who they think you are, to be realized.

When you continue to pursue your purpose without their approval and support, they will up the ante. They will use guilt to dissuade you, rejection to coerce you, and the fear of abandonment to intimidate you.

When you are not deterred by their mean-spirited antics or their empty advice (which is really thinly disguised envy), they start smear campaigns to discredit you or to discount your ideas.

👉🏾 Don’t be alarmed. Don’t retaliate. Don’t despair.

Recognize that your current village may not have the capacity to appreciate your future vision.

Recognize that you have changed and your desires and aspirations no longer align with the places that reared you.

Recognize that your birthing place has become a prison and that you MUST leave in order to bloom and build your new life.

Remember…you have a vision, which may require a new village.

Your newfound creativity may demand new comrades, collaborations, and colleagues.

That was and is my story. I bet it was your story, too.

That’s why in I DARE TO BE ME, we talk honestly about friendships, connections, and mutuality.

We honestly and courageously explore the importance of aligned partnerships that support your purpose.

🔗 Join the “I Dare To Ne Me” Waitlist by clicking here.

I look forward to sharing more about how fruitful friendships provide the safety, sustenance, and support you need to soar.

It’s your time to SOAR Higher, and having the right relationships will help you easily take flight.

Thank you, Pastor Dr. Kenneth Lee Samuel, for helping us understand the critical connection between villages and visions.

Don’t Be Limited By Labels!

I hate being labeled. Don’t you?

Being boxed in or imprisoned by someone’s myopic thinking challenges my sense of justice and respect.

I am like most folks: I don’t appreciate being restricted by the opinions of people who don’t know me, especially when they don’t know themselves.

But this is what I KNOW to be true: People who can’t control, contain, or cripple you will label you to neutralize you.

They will use hateful and harmful words to strip you of your humanity and divinity.

They will hinder your ability to navigate the world by perverting your motives, underestimating your strengths, and exaggerating your weaknesses.

Of course, the label will sting!

But when you realize their labeling is the only tool they have to hinder you, you will recognize their powerless ploys for what they are …..feeble attempts at manipulation, assassination, and dehumanization.

Remember, you are beyond labels.

No sticker can capture your entire essence.

You are too masterfully made, too exceptionally equipped, and too carefully crafted to fit whatever noun or adjective they select to describe you.

But YOU MUST believe that!

You must remember that your FULL identity, ability, and potential are beyond anyone’s grasp or understanding.

You must know that no one limits you!

No name can dull your brilliance!

Granny used to say, “It doesn’t matter what they call you; it only matters what you answer to.” That means YOU, and only YOU, have the power and the privilege of determining who, what, and whose you ARE!

YOU are the designer of your life. You are the architect.

That’s why it is vital to get rooted in who you are –  anchored in your identity, purpose, and hope.

Because when you are grounded in who you are, you are less likely to get derailed by the assumptions and assessments of naysayers.

And most of all, you won’t let empty critiques and mean-spirited critics distract you from pursuing your life-enriching, soul-nourishing goals.

REMEMBER: Don’t let labels limit you. Don’t let someone’s perception disrupt your commitment to wholeness, happiness, and rest. Don’t get distracted by empty opinions.

Soar beyond the labels others place on you, and watch your life expand.




At A Crossroads & Feeling Lost?

Are you at a crossroads in your life?

I am.

If you are like most folks, being at a crossroads in life can feel unsettling. Not knowing exactly what to do, when to do it, or where to go can cause anxiety, inner turmoil, and fear. And the fear can even feel MORE overwhelming when you believe your decisions will have life-altering or career-limiting consequences.

I get it. I wrestle and dance with fear when facing huge decisions, too. We all do.

Many clients admit that being at a crossroads is an extremely frightening place for a few reasons.

  • They have unconsciously followed scripts and predictable paths to make others happy. But now, they must create a new vision, craft fresh strategies, and travel an uncharted route toward their purpose.
  • They completed college, worked, raised children, relocated, volunteered, cared for elders, and launched businesses without considering their own needs. They did everything for others and failed to do anything for themselves. Now, they must learn to prioritize their needs amid competing demands and tight schedules.
  • They choose careers for money and status without realizing the price of “success” or the impact on their souls. Now, they need to change direction, even though debt and burnout are weighing them down.
  • They followed the societal rules and abided by the status quo, only to find themselves unfulfilled or detached from their inner compass. Now, they must re-learn how to honor their inner and ancestral wisdom to move in the world with authority and peace.
  • They conformed to stereotypes and lost their identity, confidence, and self-respect. Now they must resurrect their essence, reclaim their faith, and restore their joy.

For those reasons, many find themselves between a rock and a hard place. Lost. Confused. Exhausted. Worried. Drifting.

They find themselves so disconnected from who they really are that they cannot make informed life-giving choices.

Does this sound like your experience?

If it does, you are not alone.

Everyone experiences crossroads – sometimes many crossroads – in their lives. And crossroads are challenging, especially when you have not developed an internal system or cultivated your “inner knowing” to guide you.

For example, one of my clients told me that one day something just clicked, and she realized she was unhappy and could not continue being a lawyer. She was done! Finished. She never liked law and would not work another day in a profession that made her physically sick. She was at a crossroads. Even though she was unsure how to move forward, she was committed to moving in a new direction.

Your experience may not feel as sudden as my client’s realization. Maybe you just felt a gradual aching for something more meaningful. Perhaps you experienced a progressive loss of joy in your career. Or maybe you just outgrew your current relationships or lost feelings of connection.

You can arrive at this life-changing event called a crossroads in many ways. And trust me, every way brings some discomfort and apprehension.

Since I am at a crossroads and considering significant changes in my life, I wanted to share some tips that are helping me navigate my journey.

Reflect: Sit down, relax, find a quiet space, and think. Ask yourself about your values and buried dreams. Determine how you want to feel in this new season of your life. Get honest about your goals, needs, desires, gifts, and hopes. Tell yourself the truth. Honest reflection will help you clarify your options because your deepest aspirations sometimes get buried under the busyness of life.

Talk to people you trust. Talk to your friends, family, mentors, or clergy. Hire a coach, therapist, advisor, or counselor who can offer proven wisdom and insight. Be open to paying for advice, apprenticeship, or assessments! Remember, free insight is not always the best insight.

Do your research: Read books, articles, or blogs. Travel. Explore. The more information you have, the more aligned decisions you can make.

Don’t be afraid to take risks. Take a risk. This could mean taking a giant leap of faith or taking a small step forward based on the variables of your life. Remember, risk-taking is personal, so do what feels like a stretch for you. And most of all, don’t compare your risk tolerance with others, because we are all wired differently.

Trust your gut. Do what feels right for you in your body. Don’t be swayed by opinions, social expectations, guilt, rejection, or gender norms. Go with your gut and listen to the wisdom of your soul.

My friend, being at a crossroads signifies exciting growth, life-enriching change, and beautiful opportunities. And if you take some time to reflect, research, and trust your gut, you will make decisions that feed your soul.

I shared a message on the private podcast about being at a crossroads. Click here to listen, and let me know your thoughts.

If you are at a crossroads and need support, reply to this message. I have VIP Sessions and Daring Discussions opportunities and would love to support you.

If you want to connect with other supportive and generous people at a crossroads, consider Rooted To Rise. Rooted To Rise is a close-knit, affirming community where people journey back home to their hearts and dreams. And, Rooted To Rise may be just what you need as you consider your next chapter. Click here to get on the waitlist.

I am cheering for us and excited to see what the future holds.

Have a blessed week,


The DARE TO SOAR HIGHER Life Strategist

Only You Know What’s Best For You

So often, we believe we can only feel and think one way about a specific topic. We frequently feel bullied to choose between this or that, as if there are only two options to consider.

But life often exists in the grey; life is rarely black or white. There are few absolutes.

Yes, absolutes are non-negotiable; we must honor humanity, ensure dignity, and protect freedom.

However, most of life’s questions are full of nuances, complexities, and contradictions that challenge us to think deeply about our values. And those are the questions and decisions that don’t fit neatly into our cultural conditioning, religious doctrines, and social norms. The decisions that affect us the most are never this or that; they may be both or neither.

Bottom line: Don’t get bullied by binaries.

You can have multiple opinions, concerns, and feelings about one topic.

So, question everything and allow yourself to have mixed feelings about something until you know what is true for you.

Create space in your mind and expand the love in your heart to hold tension and dichotomies.

Most of all, trust and test your own inner knowledge because YOU and only you know what’s best for you.

So, this week, here are some journal prompts to help you get clear on your goals and needs.

Journal Prompts:

  • What feels suitable for me in this season of my life?
  • What nourishes my soul and stimulates my mind?
  • How does staying in an unfulfilling career or relationship affect me?
  • How does changing my routines help me rest, think, or heal?
  • Where do I need to think broadly about my life?
  • Why am I not advocating for myself at work or at home?
  • Who am I becoming, and why?
  • What could I do if I expanded my understanding of “truth?”
  • How would updating my definition of success create more capacity in my life?

Spend some time asking yourself these critical questions. And then, be sure to sign up for the free I Dare To Be Me Virtual Open House to get additional insight about creating a life that honors your deepest needs.

Don’t be bullied. You are too amazing to be shoved into a belief system that suppresses your soul.



Start Sitting At The Right Tables

A few days ago, one of my mentors asked me why I was sitting at the wrong tables.

Initially, I didn’t understand his comment. But I soon realized that his question was metaphorical and invited me to examine if I was spending time in life-expanding, soul-nourishing places.

So, being the thinker I am, I considered where I was spending my time to evaluate if I was metaphorically sitting at tables that were undermining or enriching my life.

I asked myself…

  • Was I sitting at tables of complacency that kept me stuck in old stories, outdated paradigms, and damaging stereotypes?
  • Was I sitting at tables where I could be easily un-seated if I disagreed with the group?
  • Was I sitting at tables where my intellectual property was stolen or altered without consent?
  • Was I sitting at tables that served stale religious dogma that demonized people with unique identities, realities, and expressions?
  • Was I sitting at tables where people showed they were aware and cared about how society treated me based on my social identity and social location?
  • Was I sitting at tables where people congratulated themselves for thinking about justice but failed to do anything for the sake of justice?
  • Was I sitting at tables where diversity was celebrated, equity was prioritized, and inclusion was embedded in the organization’s mission?
  • Was I sitting at tables where people had the maturity to disagree without disconnecting?
  • As the late Dr. Katie Cannon said, I was sitting at tables that required “numbing and dumbing?”

I am not sure why those questions came so quickly to my mind, but since they did, I knew I had to look deeper into my soul for answers. I had to tap into my intuition to access my body’s wisdom to see beyond public personas, hidden agendas, and unspoken intentions.

Asking myself some tough questions, knowing that the answers could change relationships and alter my career trajectory, was difficult. But whatever the cost, I had to tell myself the truth, even if the truth was uncomfortable and inconvenient. And so, I journaled, prayed, and relaxed my mind to hear the small sweet whispers of wisdom from my Creator.

In less than 3 days, I received some sobering answers. Most of the responses were not shocking because my spirit never felt settled and embraced at a few tables where I frequently dined and visited. So, bolstered by integrity and courage, I moved and took my “plate” full of my talents, gifts, and love to new tables where I felt seen and supported.

What I know for sure: I want to sit at tables where I feel invited, appreciated, and respected. I want to metaphorically sit at tables where love, acceptance, kindness, and soul-enriching affirmation are lovingly served. I want to dine in places where everyone’s humanity is honored and their decisions respected. I want to be surrounded by various views, cultures, identities, expressions, languages, faith traditions, and ages. I want to dine where curiosity is abundant, clarity is pursued, and courage is celebrated. I want to sit where my soul feels safe.

What about you? Where do you want to sit? What types of tables are worthy of you? What types of tables will stretch your wings and help you thrive? What types of tables feel like life-giving elixirs and not death-dealing abuses? What types of tables make you feel safe, seen, and supported?

This week, evaluate the tables you are sitting at and determine what’s being served. Determine if those tables nourish and sustain you. Ask yourself if those tables keep you mentally well, wise, and whole.

And if those tables don’t provide the spiritual and emotional nourishment you need, find the courage to leave so you can dine at new places that warm your heart, expand your mind, and revive your soul.

Journal Prompt: Where am I being fed the spiritual, emotional, and relational food that I need to sustain me in this season of my life?

Have a great week, and remember to only sit at tables that nourish your soul.




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