You Are NOT Out Of Place, But In Position!
If you are reading this message, you are probably a cycle-breaker, leader, visionary, pioneer, or truth-teller.
You are most likely a brave person who intentionally resists the status quo, norms, and conformity.
You probably live life on your own terms, honor your boundaries, have courageous conversations, don’t invest time in shallow relationships, and believe in taking inspired action.
You are not a person who sits on the sidelines either, because you realize that feeling “safe” is something you create inside your heart; it’s an inner feeling.
Does this sound familiar?
I also know that people like you sometimes feel isolated because you don’t fit into conventional places or traditional groups. And that makes sense because you don’t automatically accept what society says or legitimizes. You realize that living an authentic, fulfilling life exists outside of what’s socially accepted and deemed appropriate.
And because you prefer purpose to popularity, people rarely appreciate you or understand how intentional you are about your life. They don’t appreciate that you are discerning, focused, and have a highly developed BS meter. In fact, you are often criticized for going against the grain and prioritizing your values, desires, and perspectives.
Because you don’t let gatekeepers, narratives, and social protocols confine you, you are admired and gossiped about at the same time. That’s right! People simultaneously like you and dislike you because you don’t follow social playbooks, adhere to cultural assumptions, or comply with outdated scripts. You refuse to succumb to delusions of domination or standards of selfhood that require you to cower and curtsy. You reject narratives that expect you to beg for scraps instead of wearing a God-given crown. You know your worth and your worthiness.
If I am describing you, email me and let me know I am speaking to you.
This year, I am committed to living MORE outside of societal and cultural boxes. And I want to provide the support, topics, and resources you need to live MORE outside of boxes, too.
I want to intentionally laser-focus on growth by helping you challenge old beliefs that keep you stuck in fear, doubt, and indecision.
Since the pandemic, people have realized that they are living unfulfilling lives, and they want to DARE TO SOAR HIGHER….they want something different, rejuvenating, and wholesome.
So many people want to experience personal and professional success in ways that heal, transform, and elevate their lives. They don’t want to stay in relationships or organizations that drain their energy or undermine their wellness.
Most big-hearted people want to embrace abundance and expansiveness. They want to live a life of “why not” and “what if” and not “should not.” They want to use their imagination, take risks, and contribute to humanity.
I like to call this courageous mindset being “in position.”
TRUTH: Because you know who you are and what you believe, you are “in position” to create what you desire! YOU are “in position” to start a new career, build a lifestyle-friendly business, regain your health, create a non-profit, challenge injustice, protest for peace, and love again.
And the way to maximize where you are is to honor your unique path. To cherish, cultivate, and optimize what’s already inside you. To do what’s most true for you even if you are still figuring everything out.
For me, being “in position” in 2024 feels like loving myself and others differently. It means offering and lavishing myself and others with the empathy the world withholds and tries to weaponize to control and disrespect those deemed less valuable. It feels like creating safe spaces for self-discovery, connection, and transformation where people can experience miracles and acknowledge the “messy” without judgment or shame. It feels like creating a space where YOU can reclaim parts of yourself so you can see your own beauty, brilliance, and options. A place where you can celebrate your complexity, duality, and multi-dimensionality so you are never reduced to one part of your identity or history.
My definition of being “in position” feels different this year because I realize that people like you – visionaries, leaders, and truth-tellers – often feel out of place in society. But I believe we are in the RIGHT POSITION to be paradigm shifters, soul-connectors, heart-healers, dream-makers, business-builders, and freedom-fighters. We are “in position” to change the ethos of the world and the trajectory of our lives.
I am saying to you with all my heart: You are NOT out of place but IN Position!
To stay in position, here are some questions to consider:
- What needs to be recentered or prioritized to help you stay in position for your dreams and destiny?
- What do you hunger for that will feed your soul, so you can help feed the souls of others?
- How can you give yourself more freedom to be many things and easily take many paths?
- Where do you feel most at home with yourself, and how can you reside in that special place more consistently?
- How can you celebrate being courageous without needing to judge others, delegitimize the realities of others, or denounce others?
- What does being free feel like, and how can you experience more of it in new places?
You are in position, not out of place. And I am excited to see what the future holds for you in 2024.
I look forward to working and sharing with you in 2024.
If you are on social media, let’s connect.
P.S. Remember to download your 2023 Year-End Review Booklet. It will only be available for 2 more weeks.