HUGS will help you win!
When you are trying something new, you need plenty of HUGS!
Even though there is great power and comfort in a warm embrace, I am talking about different types of HUGS.
What are HUGS?
HUGS are essential ingredients for your success.
H.U.G.S. stands for:
H = You must understand your history.
When pursuing a goal or dream, it’s important to review your history because your past always leaves clues about your future. For example, understanding your cultural and social histories provides valuable insight into what shaped your beliefs and behaviors. When you understand your history, you can challenge inherited assumptions, so you can choose between who society wants you to be and who you want to become.
U = You need to be undergirded.
Undergirding is not a word you hear a lot, but it means “to bolster, brace, strengthen and sustain.” It means possessing and accessing the internal and external infrastructures YOU need to build what you desire in your life. I will share more about the importance of infrastructure on Saturday during Soar 2022. You can register here.
G = You need to give yourself grace.
When starting something new, you must give yourself the grace to learn and experiment with new skills, abilities, and perspectives. You must allow space for learning, relearning, and unlearning without judging yourself. Remember, everything in life is a big experiment that gives you the outcomes you want OR the lesson you need. So, give yourself grace to experiment so you can gain the wisdom you need.
S = You need support.
Success is always a team sport. Sometimes you need advice, skills, and mentors to assist you. When you identify the types of support you need, you can enlist and invest in the training, people, and resources you need to SOAR.
So, as you are considering your 2022 goals, think about giving yourself lots of H.U.G.S. because hugs have a way of providing the unique leverage, energy, and perspectives you need to:
- Ask yourself life-enhancing questions
- Awaken your buried gifts
- Attuned to your inner knowing
- Accept the highs of success without arrogance and the lows of growth without shame
- Allow people to help you without judging yourself
- Accomplish goals that are meaningful to you
If you’re interested in learning more about the power of hugs, I invite you to join me this Saturday for SOAR 2022. Click here.
In the comfort of your home, you can gather with other heart-centered, values-driven people to talk about how you can achieve meaningful goals with joy and ease.