Living LONG or Living WELL or Both?
August 14, 2023
Did you know there’s a difference between LIVING LONG and LIVING WELL?
I never considered the difference until one of my mentors explained what LIVING WELL was.
According to my mentor, LIVING WELL means being the best version of yourself. It’s when you are doing work that you love, making a positive impact on the world, prioritizing your health, and surrounding yourself with people who value and appreciate you.
As a “midlifer” (that’s what I am lovingly calling myself now), that perspective resonated with my soul. It made me wonder: Am I living as well as I can?
Quietly, my soul whispered, “No, but you could if you keep making honest choices.”
So, what are honest choices?
Making honest choices is about telling yourself the truth about your desires, needs, and beliefs before you take action. It’s also about honoring your gifts, owning your strengths, and responsibly managing your physical, mental, and social resources.
Even though making honest choices is the most heart-affirming thing to do, it’s not always the easiest thing to do. In fact, implementing soul-expanding, values-inspired decisions can be difficult.
Since childhood, we have been taught and celebrated for parroting what others said or for copying what others did, even when those actions contradicted our truth.
But….what if you pushed past your discomfort, guilt, and fear and told yourself the FULL TRUTH about your deepest desires and unmet needs?
What if you turned DOWN the volume of external messages and turned UP the volume on your heart’s yearnings?
What if you trusted your longings and hopes?
What if you engage in new conversations and consider fresh beliefs?
What if you walked a different path or listened to your inner wisdom?
What if you stopped “obligated” living and embraced “option” living?
What if you shaped your world instead of being squeezed by the world?
What if you believed you were more than your history, memories, and career so you could see unlimited possibilities for your life?
What if you believed you were worthy of living WELL so you could enjoy your one precious life?
We lovingly explore what it means to LIVE WELL in all my coaching programs. We embrace the question with courageous curiosity and imagine what living well would feel, sound, and taste like.
We ask each other questions and share our experiences to learn, unlearn, and relearn ways of being true to ourselves and each other.
And guess what?
Those conversations are so clarifying and nourishing. Talking about life with generous, joy-seeking, supportive people helps you consider your values and goals. And by exchanging wisdom, everyone gains new insight and tactics to design a more fulfilling, purposeful life.
So, think about your life and ask yourself, are you living well? Determine if you are doing what you feel called, created, and anointed to do. Look within your heart and determine whether your life makes you feel inspired, motivated, or obligated. Ask yourself how to be more honest to help you dream and soar again.
Here’s the good news: there is a safe place to ask yourself soul-nourishing questions and get the support you need to thrive in Rooted To Rise: A Journey Back Home To Yourself.
Rooted To Rise is a sacred gathering where people can openly discuss ideas and take healthy risks without feeling overwhelmed or judged.
And if you join, you’ll be part of a caring, purposeful circle that will celebrate and encourage you as you rethink, reclaim, and reimagine your life.
If Rooted To Rise speaks to you, click here to get on the waitlist for the last cohort in 2023.
I share more about living well in our exclusive community podcast. Click here to listen.
LIVE WELL this week. Be good to yourself. Stretch yourself, but don’t stress yourself. And remember…you don’t have to soar alone.
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