If you want to pursue your destiny, one skill that you must develop and strengthen is the skill of IGNORING the naysayers.
Yes, ignoring the comments and opinions of people who don’t care about you, your gift, or your life’s calling is a critical skill!
Just for the record, ignoring people does not mean that you are rude or arrogant. Ignoring people means you are focused, disciplined, and committed to being the highest version of yourself.
It means that you are dedicated to executing your vision with excellence, greatness, and integrity.
My friend, let’s be honest. You already wrestle with your own inner demons and insecurities. You are constantly challenging oppressive narratives that undermine your confidence and feelings of worthiness. So why invite more demons into your space and spirit by listening to people who don’t care about you, who don’t share your values, and who don’t have their own dreams.
Goal: Develop your ability to IGNORE statements that keep you stuck, scared, silent, sidetracked, shipwrecked, shallow, stale, sick, and salty.
Trust me; your ability to IGNORE people and their negative comments will serve and support you well as you pursue your dreams.
If you want more encouragement to ignore the naysayers, stay tuned. “You Can Depend On You” will launch soon.
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