As a child, my family moved around a lot. My parents were teenage parents and our lives centered around their jobs, college, and, of course, finances. I didn’t understand it then, but I now understand that my young parents were figuring life out along the way and doing the best they could to complete their education while raising a growing family. Wow…that’s a lot.
I am so proud of my parents. Despite tragedy, trouble, and trauma, my parents have been together for almost 60 years. Side by side, they raised 4 very different kids; we are as different as night and day. But through all the vicissitudes of life, they taught us one important lesson: when you are at home in your soul, you can live anywhere.
I didn’t believe it then, but life has taught me that “HOME” is truly an inside job, an inside feeling, and an inside commitment to yourself. It is an anchoring place that aligns you with your values, awakens you to your vision, and alerts you when you go astray.
“Home” is your foundation, and it stabilizes you, but it requires vigilance to live there. In a culture that constantly bombards you with gloom-and-doom messages, perpetuates injustice, exploits the weak, abuses the uniformed, and undermines public trust, it’s hard to create a sense of “home” if you are not intentional. Coupled with your own personal issues, competing needs, and idiosyncrasies, home can seem so far away.
But despite the challenges, it’s important to “go home.”
The shifts, chaos, and the vicissitudes of life can’t disrupt your peace if you are “at home”.
The critics, haters, and naysayers won’t derail your momentum if you are “at home.”
Popularity, profits, and perks won’t seduce you if you are “at home.”
Not being accepted, not being validated, and not being invited won’t make you question your worth if you are “at home.”
Challenging the status quo, disrupting cultural norms, and detaching from historical narratives won’t intimidate you if you are “at home.”
Exploring unknown places, entertaining original ideas, and engaging with diverse people won’t scare you if you are “at home.”
Leaving jobs you hate, detaching from traditions that don’t honor you, and freeing yourself from unhealthy relationships won’t frighten you if you are “at home.”
Speaking your mind, facing your inner demons, and processing your childhood wounds won’t terrify you if you are “at home.”
Are you “at home?”
The adage says that home is where your heart is. I believe that. But I also believe that “home” is where your healing is.
“Home” is where your hope is.
“Home” is where your help is.
“Home” is where your happiness is.
“Home” is where your harmony is.
“Home” is where your health is.
“Home” is where you are whole.
The most loving thing you can do for yourself is to Go HOME!
Going “home” may not be a straightforward journey because the path back to yourself is never linear; it’s filled with many ups and downs. It’s an ever-winding path with lots of unlearning, relearning, and learning. A lot of sharing, speaking, simplifying. Tons of decluttering, decolonizing, disconnecting. Lots of remembering, reclaiming, and restoring. AND loads of fulfillment, freedom, and faith. It’s a lifelong trip and you will experience many emotions, seasons, and stages along the way.
So, why not start today? Why not go home?
Go HOME and LOVE YOURSELF fiercely.
GO HOME…..the real you is waiting to meet you.
** If you ever need support on your journey home, I would love to help you.
*excerpt based on Deciding To Soar 2: Unwrapping Your Purpose.