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Tag: honesty

Only You Know What’s Best For You

So often, we believe we can only feel and think one way about a specific topic. We frequently feel bullied to choose between this or that, as if there are only two options to consider.

But life often exists in the grey; life is rarely black or white. There are few absolutes.

Yes, absolutes are non-negotiable; we must honor humanity, ensure dignity, and protect freedom.

However, most of life’s questions are full of nuances, complexities, and contradictions that challenge us to think deeply about our values. And those are the questions and decisions that don’t fit neatly into our cultural conditioning, religious doctrines, and social norms. The decisions that affect us the most are never this or that; they may be both or neither.

Bottom line: Don’t get bullied by binaries.

You can have multiple opinions, concerns, and feelings about one topic.

So, question everything and allow yourself to have mixed feelings about something until you know what is true for you.

Create space in your mind and expand the love in your heart to hold tension and dichotomies.

Most of all, trust and test your own inner knowledge because YOU and only you know what’s best for you.

So, this week, here are some journal prompts to help you get clear on your goals and needs.

Journal Prompts:

  • What feels suitable for me in this season of my life?
  • What nourishes my soul and stimulates my mind?
  • How does staying in an unfulfilling career or relationship affect me?
  • How does changing my routines help me rest, think, or heal?
  • Where do I need to think broadly about my life?
  • Why am I not advocating for myself at work or at home?
  • Who am I becoming, and why?
  • What could I do if I expanded my understanding of “truth?”
  • How would updating my definition of success create more capacity in my life?

Spend some time asking yourself these critical questions. And then, be sure to sign up for the free I Dare To Be Me Virtual Open House to get additional insight about creating a life that honors your deepest needs.

Don’t be bullied. You are too amazing to be shoved into a belief system that suppresses your soul.



Now What?

Last week I delivered a new keynote presentation to a group of high-performing, heart-centered folks over the age of 45. I prepared a specific speech for the audience, but the night before my presentation, my spirit told me to change the topic, and I did. And without notes or slides, I gave a presentation called NOW WHAT!

To me, NOW WHAT is an inquiry of unlimited potential because it challenges you to ask yourself honest questions about your deep-seated needs, dreams, and goals, especially after you reach midlife…a time in our lives that I call prime-time.

And the good news is…by the time you reach  50, 60, or 70, you have learned enough about yourself to recalibrate and reimagine your life. You have learned enough to live on your own terms and make your own rules.

Just think about it.

Haven’t you experienced a lot of ups and downs in your health, career, and relationships? And haven’t those experiences given you a deeper insight into who you are and what you need?

Haven’t you experienced enough grief, loss, and heartbreak to appreciate the meaning of life, love, and intimacy?

But haven’t you also enjoyed enough fulfillment, love, and joy to really understand what makes your heart sing?

And now, don’t you have enough money, results, and evidence to confirm your purpose, expertise, talents, abilities, and intuition?

If you are honest, over the last 40 years, you have gained an incredible amount of wisdom, clarity, and courage to do what you desire to do. And if you haven’t lived 40 years, the global pandemic has taught you new lessons about yourself and has given you many fresh revelations to consider.

So, the question is, NOW WHAT? Now that you know what’s real, right, beneficial, and fulfilling for this specific season in your life, what do you do now?

That question is a tough question, and it applies to all of us. And that’s why I believe my speech …. NOW WHAT ….. resonated because so many people realize that life is a beautiful, messy journey of learning, unlearning, relearning, and returning to what aligns with their heart and soul.

Based on the positive response to my presentation, I am holding a special NOW WHAT Retreat on November 18 and 19th to discuss how to address the NOW WHAT question in your own life. Click here to register.

Here’s the truth: Midlife is an incredible period in our lives; it’s a privilege because so many people never make it to 40, 50, 60, or 70. Not to sound morbid, but some people die before they ever experience and enjoy a fulfilling life because they limit themselves to only doing what they were taught, told, or felt obligated to do. Unfortunately, they settled or ignored their own happiness.

But thankfully, you can create a life that honors your deepest desires and your biggest dreams. You can make choices and take steps toward more happiness, joy, and ease. You don’t have the leave the world full of regrets because you can live a satisfying, exuberant, and soul-enriching life.

I am excited about what’s to come for you, and I would love for you to join me and other truth-seekers for the NOW WHAT Retreat. Click here to register.




You Belong To You


When I was a little girl, my elders always said, “Always keep the best of you for yourself.”

It took me years to understand what that adage meant. But over the years, I realized it meant holding on to your dreams, never compromising your integrity, being honest even when lying was easy, and taking care of my spirit. It meant doing everything that I was NOT doing, and my quality of life showed the toxic effects of self-abandonment.

After some soul searching, I realized I was giving the best of me away to be accepted. Of course, I was not consciously betraying myself. But every time I didn’t live my truth, reinforce my boundaries, make time for my dreams, or collude with oppressive narratives, I took a chunk out of my own soul. Sadly, I had to admit that I was indeed giving the best of myself to others, and I was exhausted and depressed.

​My friend, what if you are giving the best of yourself away? Your best years? Your prime time? Your dreams? Your vision? What if you are sacrificing your needs to fulfill societal expectations, family obligations, or meet unreasonable job demands?

The truth is, if you are giving yourself away, you can take your power back. You can make life-affirming, soul-nourishing choices that honor your humanity and dignity.

You Don’t have to believe what you have been told or taught!

You don’t need to live a life full of “shoulds,” “supposed to,” “can’t,” “they won’t let me,” “someday,” “they,” and “you better not.”  You don’t have to accept a life where you feel trapped, frustrated, and coerced to follow rules that don’t align with your heart.  You don’t have to deny and delay your dreams to please people and to win friends and favors.

You don’t have to live in fear. You don’t have to rescue everybody. You don’t have to swallow your dignity or collude with a patriarchal culture to survive.  YOU DON’T need to destroy YOU to be devoted to THEM!

You can push back because YOU BELONG to YOU!

When you accept your power, YOU and the entire world benefit from your contribution, wisdom, and love. That’s why I created a free 3-day private podcast to help you reclaim your agency and sanity.


Alice Walker: “People give up their power by thinking they don’t have any.”

You have power, and it’s time to DARE TO SOAR HIGHER!

Click here for the link.