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Tag: I Dare To Be Me

Are Ghosts Holding You Back?

This election season has me thinking a lot about ghosts—not the ghosts we see in movies or cartoons, but the types of ghosts that interfere with our ability to live honest, peaceful, and soul-nourishing lives.

So, today, I want to talk about the invisible ghosts from your past –  experiences, beliefs, doubts, fears, trauma, obligations, conditioning, memories, assumptions, unspoken narratives, etc. –  that influence and shape your life.


We can ONLY live creatively, openly, and authentically if we can determine what is helping us, haunting us, or hindering us in our quest to be emotionally mature, productive, contributing members of society. Without introspection and insight, we don’t thrive individually or collectively. We don’t repair relationships, reckon with our beliefs, or restore peace.

I share more about the ghosts in a new episode of Deciding To Soar: Living Life Your Way. You can listen to it on YouTube or Apple Podcasts.

Let’s review. 

1. The Ghost of the Ground

The Ghost of the Ground is the ghost that anchors you to the proverbial floor or convinces you to settle for something beneath your ability. It’s the ghost that magnifies every mistake and miscalculation and nullifies and minimizes your victories, severely undermining your confidence. For example, if you try something new and don’t achieve the desired outcome (fall down), the Ghost of the Ground will discourage you from trying again. It will constantly convince you that you don’t have the ability, talent, expertise, or resources to achieve your desired goals or make life-expanding decisions. And when you try again, it will find quick ways to sabotage your efforts and dash your hopes.

Unfortunately, the Ghost of the Ground is hard to detect, especially when you elevate logic and data over your intuition and faith.  So, pay attention to how you move in your world. Focus and be intentional about your goals. Get wisdom and feedback from people who want you to win! Why? The Ghost of the Ground is a sneaky ghost that tries to dismantle your resolve and tenacity; it will find underhanded ways to discourage you.

Truth: There is no such thing as failure. Always remember that if you DON’T get the outcome you want, you will always get the lesson you need.

Wisdom: The enemy plants doubt seeds in places God wants us to grow the most – LaTonya Benson.


  • Consider how you view “failure.” Do you define failure as a stepping stone or a tombstone?
  • Determine if you are not starting your business, getting married, getting divorced, moving to a new city, going back to school, or starting your non-profit because you are scared of failing. Be honest with yourself so you can create an actionable plan.
  • Identify where you are vulnerable and determine why.
  • Remember: Failure is an experience or event, but it is NEVER your identity. So don’t let the Ghost of the Ground prevent you from getting up and starting over again, again and again. You can restart as many times as needed because success and self-discovery are processes of starts and stops.
  •  Identify where you “fell down” and hire support so you won’t fall in the same spot again.

2. The Ghost of Glory

The Ghost of Glory thrives on external validation. It yearns for applause, accolades, and affirmation from the crowd and will have you hustling to be seen,  heard, and known.

Since it fears being insignificant, it causes you to compromise your own fulfillment, health, and wellness to achieve or maintain a cultural definition of success. And you already know that achieving goals that are not your own leaves you feeling resentful, empty, lost, and frustrated.


  • Identify what you want and why you want it.
  • Measure success by your own standards.
  • Identify why you crave applause and admiration from others and address it.
  • Identify the price you pay for staying in a position or holding on to a belief that no longer supports you.
  • Make a vision for every aspect of your life and ensure it is broad enough to accommodate growth, peace, and joy.

Wisdom: Never choose applause over authenticity. Authenticity provides courage, clarity, and self-trust to live on your own terms.

3. The Ghost of Greed

The Ghost Of Greed always craves more. And let’s be honest: the Ghost of Greed is pervasive in our culture. From social media to political perspectives, we are encouraged to grab more—more wealth, more power, more land, more sex, and more control. MORE! MORE! MORE! And we are not only encouraged to grab MORE, but we are also encouraged to grab MORE FOR ME and MINE….as if everyone else’ needs and inalienable rights are irrelevant.

Instead of satisfaction and sufficiency, this ghost thrives on the perception of scarcity and the lust for dominance. And no matter how much you achieve, it will compel you to accumulate, grab, steal, manipulate, lie, exploit, justify, or coerce to acquire, hoard, or seize MORE….even at the expense of others.

Most alarming is that the Ghost of Greed doesn’t honor boundaries or ethics; it has no moral compass or social conscience. It wants what it wants, even if it violates the law, robs a person of dignity, or destroys communities.

Unfortunately, the Ghost of Greed also has an insatiable political appetite. Just look around the globe. There are many examples of how the Ghost of Greed threatens the quality of our lives, robs developing countries of their natural resources, and threatens global alliances. This ghost loves to dominate, disenfranchise, and destroy. It promotes personal avarice over communal advancement.


  • Determine what’s enough and why it’s enough.
  • Determine what’s driving your desire for MORE.
  •  Shift from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance by listing what you genuinely need to be happy and fulfilled.
  •  Identify what you were taught about money, power, and control. And then determine how those childhood lessons serve who you are today.
  • Explore your relationship between external accumulation and inner alignment.
  • Identify your values and explore how your values align with peace and justice.
  • Examine how your country and communities treat other countries and communities. Identify what drives the treatment or mistreatment.
  • Evaluate if MORE of something is adding or subtracting from your life and the lives of others.

4. The Ghost of the Group

The Ghost of the Group pressures you to conform, to fit in, and to follow societal expectations—even if it means abandoning your individuality and truth. This ghost can be emotionally harmful because it demands self-editing, self-erasure, self-abandonment, and self-denial. It uses the fear of exclusion, judgment, and rejection as tools to control what you say, do, and believe.

Unfortunately, the Ghost of the Group is extremely deceptive and calculating. It will make you accommodate, tolerate, and protect injustice, oppression, and abuse for group membership. It will also make you act and vote against your best interests in exchange for group acceptance—acceptance that is frequently empty, conditional, and manipulative at best.


  • Understand who you are and embrace your uniqueness.
  • Determine your own path. Cultivate the inner strength to follow your own conscience and not the crowd.
  • Challenge outdated cultural scripts or gender paradigms to create space for you to be who you are.
  •  Find strength and joy in your individuality and be willing to stand apart from the crowd.
  • Surround yourself with people who don’t expect you to “lie to live”  or slowly die in exchange for a provisional connection.
  • Hire a coach, get a mentor, or enlist a healer because leaving controlling groups can be complex without support.

5. The Ghost of Gossip

The Ghost of Gossip is tricky because it amplifies your anxieties about being talked about. It exploits your fears of public attack and criticism, leading you to undermine your own efforts, conceal your truth, and abandon your dreams. Since it convinces you to focus on the judgment of others more than the whispers from your soul, it makes you a prisoner of public opinion.

Here is some truth: You can’t control lies, gossip, or rumors. People will always comment about things they don’t know or don’t understand. And if people are jealous of you or threatened by you, they will constantly create lies to ruin your reputation.

Remember, gossip feels personal, but it’s pathological because it reveals the hearts and minds of unhealed, toxic, and vindictive people.

So, move with power, conviction, and authority, knowing that people who talk about you are usually not doing enough in their own lives that are newsworthy or note-worthy.


  • Know who you are and have a strong sense of self-worth.
  • Let your authenticity and accomplishments speak for themselves.
  • Don’t waste your energy and time convincing people that the lies are untrue. People will believe what they want to believe.
  • Don’t fear rumors. You can’t do anything to stop them, so live your values, trusting that the people you want in your life will see beyond the lies.
  • Don’t share your secrets with unhealed or jealous people. Both types of people can’t be trusted with their own lives, and they can’t be trusted with sensitive aspects of your life, either.

Ghosts! Click here to listen to the podcast.

Confronting your ghosts isn’t easy. But as you learn to identify and challenge each ghost, you will experience greater freedom and joy….. to BE who you were born to be….and will STOP settling for what the ghosts are convincing you to be.

I look forward to exploring the ghosts in greater detail in my upcoming workshop called NOW WHAT!  It’s happening in December, so be on the lookout for additional information.

In the meantime, email me and et me know what ghosts most resonate with you and what you do to confront them.

Also, please share this message with someone who is dealing with ghosts. It may be just what they need to make more soul-nourishing, courageous decisions.

Blessings to you!


How To Deal With Haters In Your Home!

People who throw stones at you are simply in love with where you’re going. – Dr. Maya Angelou

Does this quote from the late Dr. Maya Angelou resonate with you?

When I first saw the quote, it made me think of a hater—someone who criticizes or tries to undermine one’s dreams, beliefs, reputation, or goals.

The quote resonated so much that I created a workshop entitled “How to Deal With Haters in Your Home.” 

In the workshop, I defined “homes” broadly because we navigate and spend time in many types of homes. For example, we spend time and energy in our work homes, exercise homes, worship homes, political homes, educational homes, or other organizational homes.

But, wherever we spend our time, we will inevitably encounter people who will try to make our lives miserable. It’s unfortunate, but it’s the truth.

As I shared with the audience, SOARING HIGHER means rethinking how we view haters.


Throughout my life, my haters have been extremely instrumental in my growth and development. In some ways, they have been my refiners, motivators, and catalysts; they have been blessings in disguise!

The workshop was such a success that I shared some insights from the workshop in this week’s episode of Deciding To Soar: Living Life Your Own Way. 


When your haters behave badly, remember that ….

1. You Are NOT Under Attack; You Are Under Construction.

Haters can highlight areas you need to improve, develop, or fortify.  If you don’t have knee-jerk reactions to their insults, backstabbing, and “roadblocking,” haters can help you activate your innate talents, access your own wisdom, and build coalitions to help you achieve your goals. Haters can also apply just enough pressure to make you more decisive so that you move more urgently, consistently, and courageously.

The truth is, I have been incredibly hurt and betrayed by haters. But even when their tactics felt threatening or career-killing, I realized that all things—even those that make me cry and angry… were working together for my highest good. As my elders used to say, “What people thought would destroy me, really developed me.” And that’s why I know haters have always been a part of my refinement, creativity, and ascension process.

2. Haters Will Get On Your Nerves, But They Will Also Keep You On Your Knees. (praying)

Let’s be honest; haters can intimidate, irritate, and infuriate you, especially when they stoop to low levels to hurt you. However, haters can also help you be more discerning, which allows you to see and sense motives, sabotage, or other covert behavior.

When I think about my life, my haters have sensitized me to my own inner knowing, leading to many life-enhancing decisions. When their antics forced me to my knees (pray or spiritual practice), it made me more open to hearing God, refining my vision, clarifying my purpose, and strengthening my resolve to accomplish my goals. Through prayer, I was able to unleash my imagination to see new possibilities, create innovative solutions, and challenge old paradigms.

I know this for sure: Most haters forget that success—however you define it—is spiritual. And….. spirituality encourages all of us to connect with our own power, trust our intuition, and look to our Higher Power for direction and protection.

3. Haters Will Enlist Saboteurs, But Their Antics Will Reveal Your Real Supporters.

Believe it or not, mean-spirited haters will often help you attract new supporters. When people try to tear you down, sincere, principled, and open-minded people will come to your defense. People who understand who you are, what you are trying to accomplish, and what you are going through will become your strongest allies and provide additional resources, opportunities, and backing. They will partner with you and root for your rise.

When I think about my life, my haters have escorted me to tremendous success and more visibility. Even though their gossip campaigns, smear tactics, and other sabotaging strategies were designed to destroy me, their mean-spirited antics have ushered me into new communities and partnerships that have warmed my heart and expanded my reach. So, instead of feeling betrayed and belittled, I have been blessed and bolstered in ways that have elevated my mission, restored my faith, and strengthened my heart.

My ancestors said it best: Messy and mean folks are good magnets for good messengers and positive missions.

Family, it’s true. Haters can be manipulative, pathological, polarizing, tricky, unethical, stubborn, biased, and reckless.

Yet, your haters can result in your biggest hallelujah.

So, remember, you are a force to be reckoned with.

You are a person with goals, dreams, and a divine calling.

You are the captain of your own destiny.

Believe in yourself, and don’t let anyone dim your lights or make you doubt your destiny.

Let your haters be your motivators because the best – YOUR BEST – is yet to come.

Blessings to you,


***If you know someone dealing with a hater, will you share this message with them?

Feeling Inspired? Let’s Connect on social media.

Share your #haterstransformation on IG.

Subscribe to my newsletter for more uplifting content!

Learn more about the upcoming workshop, Now What!

Why Not Take Your Own Advice?

Great News!

I finally took my own advice and transitioned my private community podcast to a public platform.

It took me a few years longer than I expected—because …well, I thought a public podcast had to be perfect.

But….I had to accept that my public podcast would not be perfect. First, because I don’t believe in perfection. Perfection is an illusion and an impediment to progress.

Second, I didn’t want to be bothered by all the bells and whistles of a professionally produced podcast. For example, I didn’t want to be responsible for editing, finding music, arranging interviews, etc. I didn’t want to do any of that. Yet, I deeply desired to share with a broader audience.

Thanks to some truth-telling and courageous soul-searching, I realized that my delay in entering the public podcasting world was due to my fear of being judged.

I probably should have realized that sooner, but I didn’t. And when I reflected more on my delay, I realized that keeping my podcast “private” for so long was an attempt to protect myself from criticism.


I didn’t want to be vulnerable to any more public critique. As a minister, leader, speaker, and author, I am constantly critiqued, sometimes very harshly, and I wanted to feel safe.

But I  realized that delaying my desires wasn’t keeping me safe. In fact, postponing the transition to a public forum made me feel like I was settling and shrinking, which of course, didn’t make me feel proud of myself.

Family, none of these feelings are easy to admit, but they are true.  No matter your success, no one is immune to first-time jitters. Even people who have accomplished a lot encounter fear, doubt, and anxiety about new projects.

That’s why I want to encourage you to think about your life.

I want you to identify if and how self-doubt or fear is causing you to dim your light, delay opportunities, or stay in unhealthy relationships.

I want YOU to ask yourself: 

  • Am I letting the fear of judgment deter me from honoring my goals or living my values?
  • Why does somebody else’s opinion of my work matter more than my OWN desire to offer something to the world?
  • Am I letting the status quo make me a prisoner of public opinion?
  •  Am I conforming to something I don’t even believe in or trust?
  • Will I regret not trying to pursue this opportunity?
  • What will I lose if I do or say nothing?
  • What will I gain if I try a different option?
  • How can a different environment or approach support my dreams and wholeness?
  • How does staying in my present state support my growth and development?
  • What would joy, kindness, or integrity do?
  • What do I really lose when I lose people who don’t believe in me?

Hard questions, right?

Here’s the truth:

  • You don’t have to be perfect to start something new.
  • People will always judge and critique you when you do something you want to do.
  • Delaying your dreams breeds frustration and sadness.


  • There will always be people who will downplay your creativity or question your decisions when you follow your heart’s desires.
  • There will always be people on the sidelines, on the couch, not living their dreams or not living their truth, who want to give you guidance and advice.  Unfortunately, their advice and opinions are usually based on ignorance, indecision, or inaction. 
  • There will always be people who will try to scare you away from doing what you want to do because they have failed or because they lack the courage to embark on their own unique path.
  • There will always be people who will belittle you vs build themselves.

That’s why you must ALWAYS search your own heart and make decisions that honor you, support your values, and align with your dreams.

My friend, you can do what you feel called to do. YOU CAN!

You don’t need to be perfect or have everything figured out. You can create, contribute, and serve imperfectly and do it YOUR way!

And even if it’s messy at first, trust that you will learn and gain the experience you need to improve in the future.

So, I hope you enjoy my imperfect public podcast, Deciding To Soar: Living Life Your Own Way. 

I also hope my testimony encourages you to do something you genuinely want to do in your life.  And if criticism comes, and I am sure it will, I pray that the joy of following your heart will inspire you to DARE TO SOAR HIGHER!



P.S. If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, please click here.

Some People Can Only Give Judgement, Not Support

I value confidentiality and never share who I work with, which may not be the best marketing decision, but it’s a choice I value.

There have been times in my life when I felt extremely lost and full of shame, and I needed sacred space-holders and secret-keepers who could help me navigate critical life decisions.

For example, in my early thirties, I made significant personal and professional blunders that destroyed my confidence and undermined my career.

During those difficult times, I craved a safe harbor because I needed a sanctuary that welcomed my full humanity—the good, the not-so-good, the complex, and the contradictory. I needed reassurance, community, and discerning counsel; I needed help.

And, I needed the right type of help because I didn’t need more judgment; I already gave myself large doses of that.

I needed a safe place, a spiritual respite where wisdom was shared, questions asked, exploration encouraged, and confidence restored.

But even though I searched for the right person to journey with me for months, it wasn’t easy finding a mentor/coach/therapist who understood the challenges of being a Black woman in corporate America. Finding someone who understood my lived reality and had the emotional agility to support someone like me was tricky.


I needed…

  • A person with the mindset of an entrepreneur who also appreciated the complexity of faith, the fluidity of sexuality, the emotional toll of being “the first or only,” and the importance of true liberation, as I defined it.
  • A holistic teacher who valued wholeness and didn’t use their “unlived” life or inexperience as the rubric to determine what authentic, courageous “living” meant for me.
  • An open-minded strategist who understood my unique struggles as a leader, entrepreneur, minister, and pioneer who was tired of living a compartmentalized life.
  • A spiritual healer who understood what it felt like to be applauded as a public success but intimately knew the excruciating pain of feeling like a private failure.
  • A mentor who had an open mind and could hold tension and tenderness with ease and efficacy.
  • A brave soul who understood what it meant to be a Black woman in a world steeped in misogyny and misogynoir.
  • An expert who understood trauma, oppression, and cultural conditioning.
  • A spiritual doula who could help give birth to my dreams and calling.

So, 25 years ago, I became the person I needed. I became the healer and coach for successful, multifaceted, multi-layered, and multi-hyphenated women. I became a safe place for folks to reassess their lives and to reclaim their deep desires  – without judgment or further marginalization.

Like you, I became what I hoped for, yearned for, and desperately craved—a friend for high-achieving, boundary-breaking, liberation-loving people who want “to stay near to themselves” and honor their own truth. (phrase by the author, Cole Arthur Riley)

If you crave a safe, sacred, confidential place filled with compassion, curiosity, and care, I would love to support you as you create a fresh path, discover a new identity, or challenge an old narrative.

What I know for sure: Life-changing decisions are more manageable when you have support that provides life-expanding insight, spirit-filled strategies, and time-tested wisdom.

Because when you are changing your life, you don’t need more judgment; no one does.

You just need a welcoming, loving place to help you reach your goals so you can live authentically and SOAR HIGHER!



Opting Out Is Also A Courageous Option!

Sometimes, after I facilitate workshops for corporate women, my heart breaks.


Some women are really struggling in corporate environments. And honestly,  I OVERstand because it is not always easy for me, either.

But here’s the truth….. sometimes you CAN’T listen to the advice of your friends, especially if they don’t have experience in corporate settings, don’t have to deal with workplace politics, or don’t know how to extend empathy.


Some people just don’t understand that corporate trauma is real.  Trying to exist and thrive in some corporate environments is extremely debilitating, spiritually exhausting, confidence-eroding, and disease-producing!

So, here’s a reminder for some of my corporate folks, especially women of color: Opting out of any unsafe situation is courageous!

You don’t need to continue anything or align with anything that jeopardizes your emotional, spiritual, or mental health.

You don’t have to carry the torch for all women!

You don’t have to endure disrespect to prove you “can do it” because your competence is undeniable.

You don’t have to be a punching bag to hold the doors open for other women or to help women get seats at the table.

You don’t have to sabotage or undermine other historically marginalized people to gain brownie points from people who really don’t like or respect you, either.

You don’t have to do any of that!

And not doing any of that does not mean you are not committed to your success and the success of other women.

It’s also does NOT mean that you are weak, selfish, or “hurting your race.”

You can be committed to gender parity, diversity, inclusion, and equity, AND care about yourself FIRST!

Honestly, YOU MUST honor yourself first!

And while you are “getting your entire self” together, find a loving community that can hear and support you without heaping more guilt, expectations, and cultural shame on your plate.

Remember,  YOU are not responsible for correcting systems and structures strategically designed to exclude and undermine you.

Your primary goal is to stay well and whole in an extremely sick system while you help to create something healthier and better for all humans.


A Corporate Sister Who Knows & Cares

Do You Need To Sit?

As a child, when there was a storm, my elders would say, “Go sit your narrow behind down somewhere. God is speaking.”

Now, when I look at all the political and historical storms in the world, I wonder if God is demanding that we sit, not be idle, but to sit down somewhere.

Maybe God is insisting that we sit and get incredibly still so we can hear the unique voice of our Creator, which guides and governs us.

Maybe God is forcing us into contemplation so we can see the error of our collective ways and the smallness of our love.

Maybe God is summoning us to something greater, fairer, bigger, and bolder that will support the common good.

Maybe God is showing us how our desire for domination and our denial of our corrupt systems are obliterating the world.

Maybe God is calling us to examine how society is disintegrating due to injustice, intolerance, and inaction.

Maybe God is empowering us to create strategies to dismantle oppression, confront greed, challenge exploitative capitalism, and resist all vestiges of white supremacy.

Maybe God is refueling our spirits to fight for freedom, live with integrity, and heal our ancestral wounds.

Maybe God is intervening and integrating ways to reboot, rebuild, and redistribute resources so nobody goes hungry, unhoused, or unhealed.

Maybe God is reminding us of our humanity and the humanity of others so folks can stop dropping bombs and shooting bullets at defenseless people.

Maybe God is warning us to value people over profit, power, privileges, and perks so we can remember the sacredness of human life.

Maybe God is prompting us to talk to each other and to stop talking about each other so we can see that we have more in common than we think.

Maybe God is reclaiming our attention so we can focus on solutions that instill hope, promote harmony, and facilitate healing.

During storms, my elders wisely advised me to sit. And so, I am following their advice because I realize my anger and grief about what is happening in the world are starting to consume me.

Witnessing continued genocide, horrific violence, intentional starvation, political pandering, the lack of adequate healthcare, and other global atrocities requires me to gather myself so I can determine how to participate in what I pray about and hope for.

Life has taught me that sacred sitting is a meditative posture that prepares people to be visionaries, freedom fighters, game-changers, and truthtellers. It equips them to challenge the world’s ethos, create more humane paradigms, and confront the stifling status quo.

So, I find myself sitting, thinking about my next move, determined to make a difference even if I don’t know how to help in ways that would bring transformative healing, spiritual awakening, and paths for sustainable reconciliation.

I’m sitting – thinking and praying – because I know we can do better.

We are not powerless!

We are movement-makers! We are relational innovators! We are the hands and feet of a just God!

What about you?

Blessings to you!

Don’t Reject Any Part Of YOU!

I used to hide parts of me because I felt ashamed, guilty, inadequate, dirty, and awkward.

I hid my truth so much that I stopped living in integrity, alignment, and peace.

I hid my genius so much that I didn’t honor my talents, gifts, and expertise and failed to contribute fully to the world.

I hid my love so much that I failed to make myself present, accessible, and “satisfy-able” which made me feel isolated and alone.

I hid my brokenness so much that I left people confused, frustrated, and concerned about my path, needs, and values.

I hid my pain so much that I suffered in isolation and succumbed to depression and despair, never asking for help or support.

I hid so much and hid so well that I lost myself in relationships, organizations, and perspectives.


But I blossomed when I accepted those cracked, flawed, fragile, differently-shaped, multi-colored, frayed, complex, and authentic parts of me.

I grew! I evolved! I healed.

What I didn’t realize then was that all of the pieces …all of them…were valuable pieces and elements of my life journey. They were me! And rejecting those undesired pieces of me did not make them any less mine. Remember, rejection of a thing does not erase or negate a thing!

The truth is that the pieces that I rejected left me ill-equipped, unbalanced, and afraid to live fully. They made me suffer and kept me stuck in relationships and situations that further eroded my self-esteem and undermined my power. But accepting those parts gave me the confidence, knowledge, and power to assume my rightful place in the world.

Here are some questions: what piece of YOU and your history are you rejecting? How is rejecting parts of your past supporting your development and elevation in the future? What are you afraid for others to know, and why?

Whatever you are rejecting, please know that you have the power and strength to bring those pieces of you back home where they belong. And then, you can use them differently and more compassionately in the next season of your life.

Let’s Dare To Soar Higher as we welcome our pieces back home so we can use them as lessons, leverage, and laughter as we SOAR!

Reclaim Your WILL And Find Peace!

Hey there,

How are you doing?

I wanted to check in because a lot is happening around the world. And honestly, the world feels a bit heavy right now. For some, it may even feel heartbreaking and emotionally exhausting as people struggle to be heard, seen, and protected.

I know many of you may be dealing with conflicting emotions and trying to make sense of contradictory narratives we hear in the media. But as you try to make sense of it all, I want YOU to remember the incredible strength YOU have inside you – the power of your WILL.

Lately, I have been speaking a lot about our WILL because our WILL helps us feel strong and grounded during difficult times. It keeps us hoping, working, advocating, and living without giving up or giving in to vitriol, negativity, and hopelessness. Most of all, our WILL ensures that we stay purposeful and focused as we navigate an evolving and sometimes turbulent world.

As you harness the power of your WILL, here are a few thoughts to consider.


W – Wisdom. Even though a lot is happening in the world, you have wisdom within and around you to move through complexity and uncertainty. You have inherited and acquired knowledge that you gained from your ancestors, upbringing, communities, spiritual beliefs, and life experiences that provide incredible insight and direction. So, access and apply what you know to make choices that honor your deepest values, desires, and dreams. Especially during political and social unrest, trust your instincts and intuition to navigate the path ahead, trusting that the answers you seek lie within your soul.

I – Imagination. Now more than ever, you must unleash your imagination to think outside the box and dream beyond your current reality. You must look inwardly and pay attention to the messages in your dreams, bypassing evidence, predictions, and naysayers to see opportunities for yourself and others. You must quiet the outside chatter to sense your inner hope and see a future filled with peace, justice, and dignity. Your ability to imagine is directly tied to your ability to create, innovate, problem-solve, and manifest what you need and want. Remember, tomorrow’s answers may not be limited to what you know and see today.

L – Levity. Since the world feels heavy, please make time and create space for joy, passion, play, and rest. Weekly, dedicate a few hours to drawing, laughing, dancing, and singing. Commune with nature, paint a picture, get a massage, or play a sport. Do something fun and light to rejuvenate your spirit, reconnect with your body, and renew your resolve. Levity will relax your mind, which will help you access your wisdom and activate your imagination as you pursue your path.

L – Liberation. Think and choose for yourself. This sounds easy, but opening your mind to new ideas is extremely difficult. But to operate fully in your WILL depends on your ability to listen, learn, and pressure-test what you hear about other countries, communities, and cultures. Because once you free your mind from other people’s beliefs and conclusions, you will create spaciousness for personal revelations, receive divine downloads, and unlock new possibilities for yourself and others. Remember… OPENNESS creates Opportunities.

Life is complex, and there are no easy answers, especially now. However, your WILL can ground and guide you through this unpredictable, challenging time. And when surrounded by supportive friends and fortified by faith, you will make it through this difficult chapter in your life.

I shared more about the power of our WILL in our community podcast. To listen, click here. (Choose a podcast server and subscribe to be notified when I release new episodes.)

As you navigate this uncertain time, you are also invited to join me for a free gathering next week called “Unboxed and Unbothered.” In 60 minutes, we will talk about the power of being unboxed and unbothered during times of transition and growth. It’s free, so sign up now because I am keeping the gathering intimate, so people can feel safe sharing.

My friend, I genuinely believe in the power of our individual and collective WILL – wisdom, imagination, levity, and liberation. And by activating our WILL, we can co-create a safe, secure world for all of us and a unique path just for you!

If this message resonates with your soul, will you do me a favor and share it with a colleague or a loved one? I want to ensure that people know about our community so that they can have support, too.

Remember to register for Unboxed and Unbothered.

Blessings to you!


3 Clues You Are Elevating

Do any of these questions sound familiar to you?

How do I know when I am ready for the next level? When is it time to pivot or change my career? What unconscious beliefs are making me stay in environments that I have outgrown? How do I know it’s time to leave the marriage, the organization, or the faith tradition? When is the right time to start a business or accept a promotion?

As a coach and minister, I am frequently asked these questions when people sense or are experiencing transitions in their lives.

My response: Your life always gives you critical clues when change is coming. ALWAYS!

The clues may be subtle, but they are there. Trust me; when it’s time to go to the next level, the winds of change will gently whisper in your ear, urging you toward your next adventure.

So what are the clues? (I share more in the Dare To Soar Podcast. Click here to listen.)

In 25 years of working with leaders who inspire, change-makers who care, and folks who want to live fulfilling lives, I have identified three critical clues that indicate you are growing, changing, or elevating to new heights.

Being Sharpened: One unmistakable clue you are growing or elevating is feeling as if you are being sharpened. What does being sharpened feel like? It feels like developing a heightened proficiency in doing something, feeling something, or saying something.

Most of my clients say feeling sharpened also feels like elevated discernment that helps them create plans, predict outcomes, and detect hidden motives.

So, pay attention to your life. Notice if you have become more laser-focused, are taking more risks, or are questioning old narratives. Notice where you are spending your time and if you are hanging out in different circles.

Remember, sharpening is subtle and gradual and can be painful. And….sharpening in your personal life could prepare YOU for elevation in professional life and vice versa.

Being Strengthened: I know none of us likes to struggle, but strength comes from struggle. When we are forced to deal with rejection, overcome oppression, and endure hardships, we develop the spiritual, emotional, social, and mental muscles WE NEED to soar.

Why is developing those muscles essential? Stronger muscles help you fight bigger battles. And once you can withstand attacks and still ascend, you will become unstoppable.

So, pay attention to what’s challenging you and how you are responding to the challenge. You may just be positioning and preparing yourself for a beautiful new chapter in your life.

Being Sifted: Here is the hard part: growing and elevating requires some shedding and pruning. Why? Sifting involves sorting through and removing the old to make space for the new. So, when you find yourself being sifted— letting go or being let go— know that you are growing and elevating.

Remember, sifting is a refinement process. It’s a process of separating what is essential from what hinders progress. And even though it can be painful and lonely, being sifted is an indispensable, unavoidable step in the growth and elevation journey.

 As the late Dr. Maya Angelou wisely said, “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”

Sharpened, strengthened, sifted—all powerful clues that your life is changing. So, which clue is showing up in your life that will help YOU achieve beauty and fulfillment? Please reply to this message and let me know. I would love to hear from you.

I share more about the clues in our community podcast.

It’s time for you to SOAR Higher, and I am excited to see what the future holds for you.



Gatekeepers Have Big EGOs But Little Power When You Are Rooted!

Last year, someone thought they could block my progress and prevent me from achieving one of my goals. They thought they had the power to determine my destiny. Wrong!

I know people have also tried to block your progess because we all have gatekeepers in our lives. We all have people at our jobs, communities, and families who think they can control our destiny and dictate our futures.

That’s why being grounded in who you are is essential! When you know who you are and what you need, you don’t let gatekeepers stop you from pursuing your goals. You find a way to do what you feel called to do!

So how does being grounded in who you are – BEING ROOTED TO RISE – neutralize dream-blocking gatekeepers?

There are many ways, and I have listed the top 5 ways below.

1. Authentic Self-Presentation: Being rooted to rise helps you feel comfortable in your own skin. Remember, gatekeepers thrive on inconsistency and insecurity. But when you are consistent and comfortable in your own skin, you are more creative, resilient, and courageous. You show up as your fully empowered self, anchored in your identity, confident in your talents, and grounded in your integrity.

2. Confidence in Decision-Making: Being rooted to rise gives you confidence to make choices that align with your values and vision. When gatekeepers challenge your path or try to undermine your integrity, your confidence enables you to stand firm in your convictions and be stable in your pursuit.

3. Resilience in the Face of Rejection: Being rooted to rise helps you deal with rejection. It reminds you that rejection does not determine your worth or reflect your competence.  And when you don’t view rejection as a roadblock, you appreciate that rejection is only redirection to something better and greater.

4. Clear Sense of Purpose: Being rooted to rise provides a clear sense of purpose. With a strong sense of purpose, you will have the strength, resilience, and motivation to persist despite the odds.  Remember, gatekeepers have big egos but little internal power. So, when guided by purpose, you will always have the courage and ingenuity to find new routes and create innovative options to achieve your goals.

5. Genuine Connections: Being rooted to rise helps you build genuine connections with mentors, advocates, and allies. Having confidantes and colleagues to support and sponsor you is a powerful strategy to limit the impact of gatekeepers.  Remember, genuine relationships can open doors that gatekeepers can’t close or block.

The bottom line is this: when you are armed with self-knowledge and empowered by your innate wisdom, you can create a life that aligns with your values, needs, and aspirations…..despite the gatekeepers, naysayers, or haters.

REMEMBER: Stay Rooted & Watch Yourself Rise!

Have a great week!

