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Tag: joy

Some People Can Only Give Judgement, Not Support

I value confidentiality and never share who I work with, which may not be the best marketing decision, but it’s a choice I value.

There have been times in my life when I felt extremely lost and full of shame, and I needed sacred space-holders and secret-keepers who could help me navigate critical life decisions.

For example, in my early thirties, I made significant personal and professional blunders that destroyed my confidence and undermined my career.

During those difficult times, I craved a safe harbor because I needed a sanctuary that welcomed my full humanity—the good, the not-so-good, the complex, and the contradictory. I needed reassurance, community, and discerning counsel; I needed help.

And, I needed the right type of help because I didn’t need more judgment; I already gave myself large doses of that.

I needed a safe place, a spiritual respite where wisdom was shared, questions asked, exploration encouraged, and confidence restored.

But even though I searched for the right person to journey with me for months, it wasn’t easy finding a mentor/coach/therapist who understood the challenges of being a Black woman in corporate America. Finding someone who understood my lived reality and had the emotional agility to support someone like me was tricky.


I needed…

  • A person with the mindset of an entrepreneur who also appreciated the complexity of faith, the fluidity of sexuality, the emotional toll of being “the first or only,” and the importance of true liberation, as I defined it.
  • A holistic teacher who valued wholeness and didn’t use their “unlived” life or inexperience as the rubric to determine what authentic, courageous “living” meant for me.
  • An open-minded strategist who understood my unique struggles as a leader, entrepreneur, minister, and pioneer who was tired of living a compartmentalized life.
  • A spiritual healer who understood what it felt like to be applauded as a public success but intimately knew the excruciating pain of feeling like a private failure.
  • A mentor who had an open mind and could hold tension and tenderness with ease and efficacy.
  • A brave soul who understood what it meant to be a Black woman in a world steeped in misogyny and misogynoir.
  • An expert who understood trauma, oppression, and cultural conditioning.
  • A spiritual doula who could help give birth to my dreams and calling.

So, 25 years ago, I became the person I needed. I became the healer and coach for successful, multifaceted, multi-layered, and multi-hyphenated women. I became a safe place for folks to reassess their lives and to reclaim their deep desires  – without judgment or further marginalization.

Like you, I became what I hoped for, yearned for, and desperately craved—a friend for high-achieving, boundary-breaking, liberation-loving people who want “to stay near to themselves” and honor their own truth. (phrase by the author, Cole Arthur Riley)

If you crave a safe, sacred, confidential place filled with compassion, curiosity, and care, I would love to support you as you create a fresh path, discover a new identity, or challenge an old narrative.

What I know for sure: Life-changing decisions are more manageable when you have support that provides life-expanding insight, spirit-filled strategies, and time-tested wisdom.

Because when you are changing your life, you don’t need more judgment; no one does.

You just need a welcoming, loving place to help you reach your goals so you can live authentically and SOAR HIGHER!



Opting Out Is Also A Courageous Option!

Sometimes, after I facilitate workshops for corporate women, my heart breaks.


Some women are really struggling in corporate environments. And honestly,  I OVERstand because it is not always easy for me, either.

But here’s the truth….. sometimes you CAN’T listen to the advice of your friends, especially if they don’t have experience in corporate settings, don’t have to deal with workplace politics, or don’t know how to extend empathy.


Some people just don’t understand that corporate trauma is real.  Trying to exist and thrive in some corporate environments is extremely debilitating, spiritually exhausting, confidence-eroding, and disease-producing!

So, here’s a reminder for some of my corporate folks, especially women of color: Opting out of any unsafe situation is courageous!

You don’t need to continue anything or align with anything that jeopardizes your emotional, spiritual, or mental health.

You don’t have to carry the torch for all women!

You don’t have to endure disrespect to prove you “can do it” because your competence is undeniable.

You don’t have to be a punching bag to hold the doors open for other women or to help women get seats at the table.

You don’t have to sabotage or undermine other historically marginalized people to gain brownie points from people who really don’t like or respect you, either.

You don’t have to do any of that!

And not doing any of that does not mean you are not committed to your success and the success of other women.

It’s also does NOT mean that you are weak, selfish, or “hurting your race.”

You can be committed to gender parity, diversity, inclusion, and equity, AND care about yourself FIRST!

Honestly, YOU MUST honor yourself first!

And while you are “getting your entire self” together, find a loving community that can hear and support you without heaping more guilt, expectations, and cultural shame on your plate.

Remember,  YOU are not responsible for correcting systems and structures strategically designed to exclude and undermine you.

Your primary goal is to stay well and whole in an extremely sick system while you help to create something healthier and better for all humans.


A Corporate Sister Who Knows & Cares

Rediscovering Dreams, Nurturing Growth, and Embracing Authenticity

Yesterday was the first time in 20 years that I spent Christmas with my parents. Celebrating and enjoying the holidays with them was such a blessing.
While there, I saw this wonderful picture of me when I was 7. It made me ask myself:
👉🏾 What did this little girl want?
👉🏾 What did this little girl believe about her potential and purpose?
👉🏾 What did this little girl hope for and believe about her life?
👉🏾 When did this little girl STOP dreaming big?
I don’t know the answers, but this morning I am asking myself those questions because the little girl in the picture has wisdom that the adult ME needs.
The little girl in the picture has divine insight… insight that God protected from the unconscious, ubiquitous effects of cultural and social indoctrination.
Wisdom that God protected to ensure she stayed equipped, enthusiastic, and empowered to fulfill her divine calling. To do something significant, transformative, and legacy-producing in the world.
So, the adult ME is staring at the photo, straining to see beyond the social brainwashing and conditioning to see what the little girl wanted and needed so that I CAN give it to her.
The adult ME is resurrecting and reclaiming those childhood buried dreams – the dreams that society tried to kill – so I can be the changemaker that God ordained me to be.
The adult ME is revising narratives, identifying lies, and debunking myths that tried to make me settle for the status quo and a “toxic” normal that is making the world a scarier, sicker, and sadder place to live.
  • What did your little person need?
  • What buried dreams do you need to resurrect?
  • What must you remember and reclaim to walk in your authentic authority?
Our childhoods hold clues about our greatness. And when we look under the pain, trauma, historical narratives, systematic oppression, cultural domination, and gender norms, we will uncover who we were divinely created to be!
As my elders used to say: You are higher than what you heard.
Let’s Dare To Soar Higher!


Living LONG or Living WELL or Both?

Did you know there’s a difference between LIVING LONG and LIVING WELL?

I never considered the difference until one of my mentors explained what LIVING WELL was.

According to my mentor, LIVING WELL means being the best version of yourself. It’s when you are doing work that you love, making a positive impact on the world, prioritizing your health, and surrounding yourself with people who value and appreciate you.

As a “midlifer” (that’s what I am lovingly calling myself now), that perspective resonated with my soul. It made me wonder: Am I living as well as I can?

Quietly, my soul whispered, “No, but you could if you keep making honest choices.”

So, what are honest choices?

Making honest choices is about telling yourself the truth about your desires, needs, and beliefs before you take action. It’s also about honoring your gifts, owning your strengths, and responsibly managing your physical, mental, and social resources.

Even though making honest choices is the most heart-affirming thing to do, it’s not always the easiest thing to do. In fact, implementing soul-expanding, values-inspired decisions can be difficult.


Since childhood, we have been taught and celebrated for parroting what others said or for copying what others did, even when those actions contradicted our truth.

But….what if you pushed past your discomfort, guilt, and fear and told yourself the FULL TRUTH about your deepest desires and unmet needs?

What if you turned DOWN the volume of external messages and turned UP the volume on your heart’s yearnings?

What if you trusted your longings and hopes?

What if you engage in new conversations and consider fresh beliefs?

What if you walked a different path or listened to your inner wisdom?

What if you stopped “obligated” living and embraced “option” living?

What if you shaped your world instead of being squeezed by the world?

What if you believed you were more than your history, memories, and career so you could see unlimited possibilities for your life?

What if you believed you were worthy of living WELL so you could enjoy your one precious life?

We lovingly explore what it means to LIVE WELL in all my coaching programs. We embrace the question with courageous curiosity and imagine what living well would feel, sound, and taste like.

We ask each other questions and share our experiences to learn, unlearn, and relearn ways of being true to ourselves and each other.

And guess what?

Those conversations are so clarifying and nourishing. Talking about life with generous, joy-seeking, supportive people helps you consider your values and goals. And by exchanging wisdom, everyone gains new insight and tactics to design a more fulfilling, purposeful life.

So, think about your life and ask yourself, are you living well? Determine if you are doing what you feel called, created, and anointed to do. Look within your heart and determine whether your life makes you feel inspired, motivated, or obligated. Ask yourself how to be more honest to help you dream and soar again.

Here’s the good news: there is a safe place to ask yourself soul-nourishing questions and get the support you need to thrive in Rooted To Rise: A Journey Back Home To Yourself.

Rooted To Rise is a sacred gathering where people can openly discuss ideas and take healthy risks without feeling overwhelmed or judged.

And if you join, you’ll be part of a caring, purposeful circle that will celebrate and encourage you as you rethink, reclaim, and reimagine your life.

If Rooted To Rise speaks to you, click here to get on the waitlist for the last cohort in 2023.

I share more about living well in our exclusive community podcast. Click here to listen.

LIVE WELL this week. Be good to yourself. Stretch yourself, but don’t stress yourself. And remember…you don’t have to soar alone.




What Is Your Life Saying To You?

Have you ever wondered how you would look, live and love if you did most of what you promised yourself you would do?

During my weekly inventory, I think about my life. I examine my choices, thoughts, actions, and comments to assess if my life resembles and reflects the promises I made to myself and honors the commitments I made to others.

Sometimes I feel proud that my behavior aligns with my commitments. But sometimes, I realize that there are gaps, and the gaps are usually around how I treat myself and how I treat my “calling.” Sometimes I also realize that I am giving too much of myself to people and places not aligned with my destiny, jeopardizing my wholeness and health.

Over the last few months, I have realized that many leaders, visionaries, and change agents also feel their lives are not aligned with their deepest desires or their most urgent needs. Many have shared that they feel burdened by responsibilities or exhausted by politics, competing priorities, and challenging people.

Truth: Collective exhaustion and misalignment take a toll on our souls. It distracts people – people like you and me who deeply care about the world – from creating the change we want and need to see in our communities. Weariness also prevents us from honoring and caring for spirits, bodies, and loved ones.

So, this week, take a step back and review your life to ensure you are directing your energy and efforts to the right causes, values, and systems.

Inspect your relationships. Examine your career, your calling, or your life’s work. Analyze your progress, proficiency, and potential to determine if your behavior aligns with your soul’s desires and goals.

Then, look in the mirror. Glance over your body. Reflect on your heart. Connect with your soul. Survey the rooms in your house. Then honestly (without judgment), ask yourself: is my life lying to me about what I care about, or am I lying about my life?

My elders used to say that ” talking and telling ain’t the same thing.” Translation: What you say is one thing. What you do is something else.

So, today, ask yourself: What is my mouth saying that I am NOT doing? How can I get more in alignment with my truth? What unconscious thoughts or fears are getting in my way? How are my goals and actions aligned with my values? Where can I be more courageous in my decision-making and bridge-building?

When your life reflects the core of who you are, you will thrive! You will feel invigorated, empowered, and fulfilled. And when you are happy, aligned, and rested, you will create the changes you want to see in the world.

Let’s Dare to Soar Higher as we speak and work for the collective good while honoring our deepest individual needs. That way, our mouths will talk, and our lives with honestly tell.



Life Is Just A Big Experiment!


Yes, you get to experiment because life is just one big experiment.

You don’t need to know everything to move forward, and you don’t have to hustle or manipulate people to get what you want.

If you know …

  • Your values
  • Your needs
  • Your strengths
  • Your desires
  • Your needs
  • Your non-negotiables
  • Your qualities
  • Your standards
  • Your deepest truths
  • Your purpose or if you are awakening to your purpose

You know enough to move toward your dreams and goals.

Yes, you do!

Your history, innate abilities, intuition, and hopes always provide clues to guide you to everything you need to support your highest good.

So, take an inventory of what you already know.

And instead of exhausting yourself by doing things that don’t work or didn’t work because they didn’t align with your list, take a different approach.

Lean into curiosity.

Consider new ideas.

Have stimulating conversations.

Pay attention to how something feels in your body.

Start, pause, and pivot as many times as you need to — experiment.

Give yourself all the space you need to explore.

Permit yourself to be open, honest, vulnerable, and hopeful.

Rest. Dream. Imagine.

And gradually, your answers will appear.

Happy experimenting.



Now What?

Last week I delivered a new keynote presentation to a group of high-performing, heart-centered folks over the age of 45. I prepared a specific speech for the audience, but the night before my presentation, my spirit told me to change the topic, and I did. And without notes or slides, I gave a presentation called NOW WHAT!

To me, NOW WHAT is an inquiry of unlimited potential because it challenges you to ask yourself honest questions about your deep-seated needs, dreams, and goals, especially after you reach midlife…a time in our lives that I call prime-time.

And the good news is…by the time you reach  50, 60, or 70, you have learned enough about yourself to recalibrate and reimagine your life. You have learned enough to live on your own terms and make your own rules.

Just think about it.

Haven’t you experienced a lot of ups and downs in your health, career, and relationships? And haven’t those experiences given you a deeper insight into who you are and what you need?

Haven’t you experienced enough grief, loss, and heartbreak to appreciate the meaning of life, love, and intimacy?

But haven’t you also enjoyed enough fulfillment, love, and joy to really understand what makes your heart sing?

And now, don’t you have enough money, results, and evidence to confirm your purpose, expertise, talents, abilities, and intuition?

If you are honest, over the last 40 years, you have gained an incredible amount of wisdom, clarity, and courage to do what you desire to do. And if you haven’t lived 40 years, the global pandemic has taught you new lessons about yourself and has given you many fresh revelations to consider.

So, the question is, NOW WHAT? Now that you know what’s real, right, beneficial, and fulfilling for this specific season in your life, what do you do now?

That question is a tough question, and it applies to all of us. And that’s why I believe my speech …. NOW WHAT ….. resonated because so many people realize that life is a beautiful, messy journey of learning, unlearning, relearning, and returning to what aligns with their heart and soul.

Based on the positive response to my presentation, I am holding a special NOW WHAT Retreat on November 18 and 19th to discuss how to address the NOW WHAT question in your own life. Click here to register.

Here’s the truth: Midlife is an incredible period in our lives; it’s a privilege because so many people never make it to 40, 50, 60, or 70. Not to sound morbid, but some people die before they ever experience and enjoy a fulfilling life because they limit themselves to only doing what they were taught, told, or felt obligated to do. Unfortunately, they settled or ignored their own happiness.

But thankfully, you can create a life that honors your deepest desires and your biggest dreams. You can make choices and take steps toward more happiness, joy, and ease. You don’t have the leave the world full of regrets because you can live a satisfying, exuberant, and soul-enriching life.

I am excited about what’s to come for you, and I would love for you to join me and other truth-seekers for the NOW WHAT Retreat. Click here to register.

