Are you at a crossroads in your life?
I am.
If you are like most folks, being at a crossroads in life can feel unsettling. Not knowing exactly what to do, when to do it, or where to go can cause anxiety, inner turmoil, and fear. And the fear can even feel MORE overwhelming when you believe your decisions will have life-altering or career-limiting consequences.
I get it. I wrestle and dance with fear when facing huge decisions, too. We all do.
Many clients admit that being at a crossroads is an extremely frightening place for a few reasons.
- They have unconsciously followed scripts and predictable paths to make others happy. But now, they must create a new vision, craft fresh strategies, and travel an uncharted route toward their purpose.
- They completed college, worked, raised children, relocated, volunteered, cared for elders, and launched businesses without considering their own needs. They did everything for others and failed to do anything for themselves. Now, they must learn to prioritize their needs amid competing demands and tight schedules.
- They choose careers for money and status without realizing the price of “success” or the impact on their souls. Now, they need to change direction, even though debt and burnout are weighing them down.
- They followed the societal rules and abided by the status quo, only to find themselves unfulfilled or detached from their inner compass. Now, they must re-learn how to honor their inner and ancestral wisdom to move in the world with authority and peace.
- They conformed to stereotypes and lost their identity, confidence, and self-respect. Now they must resurrect their essence, reclaim their faith, and restore their joy.
For those reasons, many find themselves between a rock and a hard place. Lost. Confused. Exhausted. Worried. Drifting.
They find themselves so disconnected from who they really are that they cannot make informed life-giving choices.
Does this sound like your experience?
If it does, you are not alone.
Everyone experiences crossroads – sometimes many crossroads – in their lives. And crossroads are challenging, especially when you have not developed an internal system or cultivated your “inner knowing” to guide you.
For example, one of my clients told me that one day something just clicked, and she realized she was unhappy and could not continue being a lawyer. She was done! Finished. She never liked law and would not work another day in a profession that made her physically sick. She was at a crossroads. Even though she was unsure how to move forward, she was committed to moving in a new direction.
Your experience may not feel as sudden as my client’s realization. Maybe you just felt a gradual aching for something more meaningful. Perhaps you experienced a progressive loss of joy in your career. Or maybe you just outgrew your current relationships or lost feelings of connection.
You can arrive at this life-changing event called a crossroads in many ways. And trust me, every way brings some discomfort and apprehension.
Since I am at a crossroads and considering significant changes in my life, I wanted to share some tips that are helping me navigate my journey.
Reflect: Sit down, relax, find a quiet space, and think. Ask yourself about your values and buried dreams. Determine how you want to feel in this new season of your life. Get honest about your goals, needs, desires, gifts, and hopes. Tell yourself the truth. Honest reflection will help you clarify your options because your deepest aspirations sometimes get buried under the busyness of life.
Talk to people you trust. Talk to your friends, family, mentors, or clergy. Hire a coach, therapist, advisor, or counselor who can offer proven wisdom and insight. Be open to paying for advice, apprenticeship, or assessments! Remember, free insight is not always the best insight.
Do your research:Â Read books, articles, or blogs. Travel. Explore. The more information you have, the more aligned decisions you can make.
Don’t be afraid to take risks. Take a risk. This could mean taking a giant leap of faith or taking a small step forward based on the variables of your life. Remember, risk-taking is personal, so do what feels like a stretch for you. And most of all, don’t compare your risk tolerance with others, because we are all wired differently.
Trust your gut. Do what feels right for you in your body. Don’t be swayed by opinions, social expectations, guilt, rejection, or gender norms. Go with your gut and listen to the wisdom of your soul.
My friend, being at a crossroads signifies exciting growth, life-enriching change, and beautiful opportunities. And if you take some time to reflect, research, and trust your gut, you will make decisions that feed your soul.
I shared a message on the private podcast about being at a crossroads. Click here to listen, and let me know your thoughts.
If you are at a crossroads and need support, reply to this message. I have VIP Sessions and Daring Discussions opportunities and would love to support you.
If you want to connect with other supportive and generous people at a crossroads, consider Rooted To Rise. Rooted To Rise is a close-knit, affirming community where people journey back home to their hearts and dreams. And, Rooted To Rise may be just what you need as you consider your next chapter. Click here to get on the waitlist.
I am cheering for us and excited to see what the future holds.
Have a blessed week,
The DARE TO SOAR HIGHER Life Strategist