Are You Willing To Lead?
You are a leader!
Do you believe that?
Last week, I started a workshop stating that everyone in the room was a leader. What was puzzling was that some folks didn’t agree with my statement.
Some shared that they didn’t feel like leaders because they didn’t have decision-making power. Others talked about titles, positions, and hierarchies as if labels and organizational charts were the only factors that determine and define leadership.
The group responses were not entirely surprising, because it’s hard to see yourself as a leader when society constantly doubts, discounts, and disrespects you. It’s also hard to appreciate and activate your sovereignty when you have been systematically marginalized because of your ability, race, class, age, body, faith, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other factors considered inferior to the “mainstream”.
So you know what I did?
I stopped the pre-planned workshop and started talking about liberatory self-leadership. Together, as a loving group, we talked about America’s complex history, the burden of stereotypes, and the heaviness of discrimination.
People shared how difficult it was to speak up and to make choices in systems that squash their voices and challenge their resolve.
It was painful to hear but powerful to see how people shared their souls, trusting that there was space for their opinions and lived experiences.
During the meeting-turn-healing-
I also shared how self-leadership ensures that you don’t deny your own lived reality, dilute your dreams, or unconsciously accept oppression.
And, I encouraged the audience to research and learn history to challenge the historical lies that deny their contributions to American culture. When you know the truth about who you are and your ancestors, you can reclaim the power and pride of your heritage. And then you can stand boldly in your divinity, dignity, and humanity.
Whew! We went all the way there!
The workshop was an engaging, healing, and transformative experience. And to every person who bravely shared their heart, THANK YOU! Your willingness to be vulnerable and honest elevated everyone in the room.
So, today, I want to ask you that question. What does self-leadership mean to you?
To me, leading myself is….
- About being courageous enough to maintain my beliefs and values while still being open to learning, unlearning, and relearning.
- About opposing popular opinions that contradict my values, defying cultural norms, and reimagining success while prioritizing my wholeness.
- About pursuing my dreams, knowing that my milestones and mistakes are equally ordered to teach me on my journey.
- About acknowledging my unique abilities and skills while recognizing that joining forces with like-minded people and building communities is wise and helpful.
- About honoring the ideas, ideologies, and identities of others while also honoring my own.
- About leaving anything and anyone that blocks my growth, denies my self-expression, and undermines my integrity.
TRUTH: Self-leadership is the key to living a life that honors your sacred call, respects your unique identity, and gives you the power to create a peaceful life. And it ensures that your choices, divinity, and humanity are not up for debate!
Reply to this message and let me know what self-leadership means to you. Also, let me know if you would like to attend a similar workshop.
My prayer for you and me is that we embrace and embody our innate leadership, so we never feel forced to be something we don’t want to be.
Have a great week!